CSA Unit 7.2.6 Option A School Club - tester tool not working?

Is the tester tool in CSA Unit 7.2.6 Option A School Club program working correctly? My students and I made our own programs, but none of us passed the Test in that lesson. Even the Teacher Example Solution didn’t pass the test and generated the following console message:

:heavy_check_mark: ClubSponsor.java Test > addServiceHours() has a parameter for a ClubMember object => SUCCEEDED
:heavy_check_mark: ClubSponsor.java Test > addServiceHours() has a parameter for the number of hours to add => SUCCEEDED
:heavy_check_mark: ClubSponsor.java Test > addServiceHours() has a void return type => SUCCEEDED
:heavy_multiplication_x: ClubSponsor.java Test > addServiceHours() adds the specified number of hours to the ClubMember object’s service hours => FAILED
Call the getServiceHours() method in the ClubMember class to get the current service hours. Add the
parameter for the number of hours to the current service hours and update the ClubMember object’s
serviceHours instance variable with the new value using the setServiceHours() method.
==> expected: <17> but was: <10> (ClubSponsorTest.java:90)

Could anybody help to take a look at this and possibly provide some hints on what was wrong? Thanks!

I’d like to follow up on my post here. Can anybody take a look at this and respond? It would help me explain to my students why nobody passed the tester tool. I’d appreciate your response.

Hi @zhu.xiaobo, thank you so much for bringing this to the forum. I am seeing the same thing that you are and I wonder if something is wrong in the tester class. I know this can be frustrating for you and your students. I am going to reach out to support@code.org and see if the curriculum team can take a look at it. If you do the same, and anyone else that stumbles upon this, I think the priority of the issue will get bumped up. I’ll be in touch when I get a response.


Hi @zhu.xiaobo, I just wanted to follow up with this and show you the email I just received:

Hello Samuel,

Thank you for contacting Code.org!

We appreciate you reporting this bug!

Our team is aware of this and they are actively working on a fix. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

These bug reports help us make our site and offerings better for everyone, so thanks again for taking the time to send us this information!

If you have any additional questions, please let us know.

Code.org Support

Thank you Sam. It’s good to know the issue was brought to the Support team at Code.org thanks to you. Actually I am not sure if I should have raised the problem here in this forum, or should I have contacted support@code.org directly? I think raising the issues here might be helpful to other CSA teachers. Please let me know if you have any suggestions.

Hi @zhu.xiaobo! I’m so glad you brought this to the attention of the forum. It does a number of things. It helps our community of teachers when they are looking for solutions to similar issues. It also allows for others to weigh in and determine if this is an error that we as teachers are making, or an issue our students are making and we just don’t catch it, or if it truly is something that needs attention of the code.org staff. I may be bias but I’m a big fan of redundancy :). Posting the issue here to the forum and letting the code.org staff know is a good thing in my opinion. Also, whenever I have emailed support they have always been super friendly and responsive.


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