Tests Help!

My school has a substitute teacher teaching CS Principles. She tried to administer the Unit 1 test online from the website, but only about 1/3 of the students could access it. Is she doing something wrong? Is it possible that I can obtain the tests in another format so that she can administer the tests without issues?

Hi @mjdeister,

Sorry to hear about the troubles. Would it be possible to share more details about what happened when students tried to access the test? For example, did the test just not appear on the list of lessons or it was present but something unexpected happened when students clicked on it?

Meanwhile, some general reasons that might cause access issues include:

  • Students may be accidentally accessing the curriculum from a prior year. Have students check their address bars to make sure they’re in the current year (presumable what you’re using) - for example … note in the address it says “2020” as opposed to “2019”
  • Students may be logged into the wrong account - if for some reason students created accounts separate from what they’re using for this class. For example, sometimes students create accounts for classes from previous years or participate in other events like Hour of Code.
  • Not all students were checked when the lesson/test was opened/unhidden. Doubtful, but worth checking. After clicking “all students” (or similarly labeled toggle), might want to scroll through the entire list of students to make sure they’re all checked when unlocking/unhiding the test page.

That’s all I can think of off the top of my head. Would love to hear an update! Also if things still aren’t working, you can contact with as much detail as possible (I suggest including a handful of usernames of students who are having the issue) to have them check if it’s a technical issue on the end.


In the meantime, are the tests posted so I can put them into a Google form?

I also contacted a teacher on my campus who taught the class last year. He had a similar problem and his students had to refresh several times until the test appeared.

@mjdeister unfortunately, there are no other alternative ways to administer those assessments. This was done to maintain the integrity of the exams. If both teachers continue to experience difficulty administering the exams please have them report a bug in there accounts. Please let us know if you need further assistance.

There is only 1 teacher. The other teacher is no longer substituting. That is the problem. The students created accounts under his account and now there is another substitute. She is also having issues with students logging in to complete assignments. How can we get this straightened out? I would like to have this fixed soon.

The best way to get this resolved is to send an email to to have our team look into this. The email should include as information as possible about the issue including the username for any teachers, the name of the section(s), and the usernames of a couple of students without access. I apologize for the difficulties and I think the team can get this resolved quickly.

Best, Andrea

I did send an email on Friday, Tuesday and today. Still trying to get it resolved.