Can anyone share their curriculum alignment for multiple cs resources and when they are being used and how? I am looking for an in depth road map? Does this exist? It doesn’t have to be from a company or professional, just looking for something to compare and jump off from!
I am starting to try and organize lessons in Google Folder. You are welcome to check it out and add to it, use it, share it, do what you would like. Just trying organize everything that is being done so that it can easily be replicated for someone who is just getting started and would like a road map. http://bit.ly/codecpr
Hi Kalthoff!
While this isn’t exactly what your asking for, one of the most comprehensive documents I’ve seen is Bryan’s draft for San Francisco Unified CS pitch: http://www.csinsf.org/curriculum.html
That might be useful for you? 
Bryan’s Scope and Sequence from shawnpatrickhiggins is something you should definitely check out! Another resource is a curriculum guide found here: http://codingcurriculum.blogspot.com/. I created it when the school district I was working for started teaching all students coding at every grade level K-8 a couple years ago. The curriculum guide focuses on Code.org then Khan Academy. Right now I’m making a different curriculum based off Bryan’s scope and sequence. It will use Scratch instead of Code.org, though. Best of luck!