Dark Mode - View of Code Studio

Hello there,
In CS Discoveries, Unit 2 Web Development there is a video in level 4 that shows Code Studio in “Dark Mode”. Here is the video: Web Development: Intro to CSS - YouTube . Many of my students noticed that Code Studio has a Dark Mode (shown in the video 1:31-2:33) but I haven’t been able to find a way to do this. Is this a feature that is available to students?
Thank you!

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Hello @haley.kalinichenko ! Unfortunately, the “dark mode” view shown in that video was created and animated just for the video itself, and is not available on any Code.org programming environments at this time. We hope to add a dark mode in future updates, as this is highly requested!

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Thank you, Josh, for your response.

Themes actually were a thing since 2020, they were created with the help of an extension called “tampermonkey”. I have a version of it, but it only works on GameLab and AppLab. It actually took me only a few days, not complicated, there’s even a prettifier button to prettify your code (So it’s not only a theme, it also gives you interesting functions you wouldn’t usually be able to do without it)
Here’s my version:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Code.org tools
// @namespace    http://tampermonkey.net/
// @version      0.1
// @description  Helps code on code.org
// @author       IMPixel
// @match        https://studio.code.org/projects/gamelab/*
// @icon         https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=code.org
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

let html = `
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function formatCode() {
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var listOfUiToTheme = {
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To use this, you need to download the tampermonkey extension available on chrome and some other browsers.

Hello @haley.kalinichenko :slight_smile: I have created this dark mode extension for code.org and I think you can use it. it works for microsoft edge. It converts the main website and the studio to dark mode. Link: code.org Dark mode - Microsoft Edge Addons

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