Express Course Interesting Enough for 8th Graders?

Hello! I’m teaching a semester-long encore class that is only 2 days a week for 42 minutes. This class is meant to be an intro to coding and low stress for the kids. Would the CS Fundamentals Express Course be too boring even though it’s “sped up” for older students?

Have you received some feedback on this question? I’d love to know as well. I’m teaching Computer Science next year at our school, and I’m hoping to implement lessons to support student learning.

My 7th graders do ok with it. The sprite lab doesn’t allow students to upload custom sprites like they can with Game Lab probably because it’s geared to younger students, but overall, they do ok with it.

I like CS Discoveries better, but my 9th graders use that, so the 7th graders get the express course so they don’t repeat.


My 7th grade uses it and it works really great. If you 8th graders haven’t used it before, they should do well with it. They will think it’s really easy at first (because it is!), but as the lessons and units progress, they will definitely run into some challenges.