I’ve had my 5th graders, who are “code experts”, host and act as pair programmers for the younger students during the Hour of Code. These students have completed Code Studio Course 2 before the Hour of Code during CS Ed Week in December and are familiar with code.org’s tutorials as well as other coding apps that are good for younger students, such as Kodable. It works out great because the students rely on each other for help, rather than on me or other teachers, and it’s great to see the students working collaboratively across grade levels!
I spent a lot of time talking about what it means to be a “navigator” rather than a “driver”. We practiced how to help someone without giving away the solution, specifically what kinds of guiding questions to ask when someone is stuck. I emphasized the importance of patience and the value of allowing someone to persevere and figure it out on his/her own. I always related it back to their experiences when they were first introduced to code. For example, I asked, “How did you feel when you were stuck and you figured it out on your own, even if you got a hint? How did you feel when someone just told you the solution? Which is a better feeling?” The older students took so much pride in their role as “teachers” rather than “learners” and they really stepped up to the plate and were amazing hosts and navigators!
I implemented the Hour of Code this past December with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students… I found it was a great way to keep students actively engaged during the days right before winter break. I am lucky enough to have a computer lab in my classroom, so that helped. I found that the Hour of Code options were interesting and easy to use. My students particularly enjoyed the Flappy Birds and Light Bot options. I played the introduction video to students and encouraged them to explore the Code.org website at their own pace. I would encourage teachers to see if there is a computer management system in the computer labs where they will implement the coding. My district has LanSchool which helps teachers monitor the student computers.
I am starting this year with an Hour of Code. I am having a select code familiar high school students going to teach grades 4-6 a coding game/program. Any recommendations on which game or program to use for this age?
This year, I put together a document with my top six hour of code activities. #1 - Code Monkey #2 - Lightbot #3 - CodeCombat: Escape the Dungeon! #4 - Moana: Wayfinding with Code #5 - Make a Flappy Game #6 - Code with Anna and Elsa
The second page of the document is the week long assignment I give the kids to complete. For CS week they need to review five hour of code activities of their choosing.