A few days ago I had the opportunity to talk with the authorities of the community where I live. I have raised my interest in creating an activity focused on programming for children at least 10 years old in the format of different sessions of “the hour of code” for various groups. The conversation went much better than expected because they want me to extend it to a session for every Saturday in January (or between mid-January and February) and to involve even teenagers up to 16 years old.
My question is, what curricula can I use for about four sessions of at least 2 hours each session, also what kind of support can I request on code.org (swag, certificates or even development kits if applicable), the pilot plan we want to create will involve groups of children and teenagers that we could divide into 10-12 years old and another of 13-16 years old in groups of between 10 and 15 students each.
I will be forwarding your question to code staff. Someone will respond soon.
Hi @kurai021!
Welcome! Thank you for taking a lead in your community to introduce kids to CS! That’s wonderful! There are many resources on the Hour of Code website, but as I was reading your post, the program that came to mind first was the Code.org Computer Science Fundamentals Express Course. You can check out more about it here.
The great thing about this course is that it’s completely self-paced and aimed to introduce fundamental CS concepts to students (ages 10-18) in a super engaging, fun way. It would be suitable for all of your students and would provide more than enough material for the eight hours of instruction you would have if you’re doing this for four Saturdays. Likewise, kids could continue with it after your sessions are over, which they likely would as kids LOVE this course. This is just one option and others may chime in on other options, but definitely check this out when you have a chance. Kids also earn a certificate when they’ve completed the course.
Also, check out this link for some other ideas to help inspire/promote CS during your Saturdays along with these videos you could use. You might even find a guest speaker to come and talk with your students about the role CS plays in their career/life, etc.
I hope this helps give you some ideas or gives you a place to start!
HI @kurai021 !
This sounds like an exciting project. I recommend sending your request to support@code.org so our International Team can connect with you to explore some next steps.
Best, Andrea
Thank you very much for your prompt responses. I will be reviewing the Express course, at the same time I will be in contact with code.org support to resolve any questions that arise. If anyone has more suggestions on how to run a project of this type, I will be eager to hear from you.