How to share app and keep code hidden?

I want to essentially make my own “make” lesson for my students in applab. So I need them to play around with the fully functioning app and them code it. Usually when I use the share link the students can remix it and se the code. I want the code to remain hidden. Can I do this?


@ktpanderson This is a good question. I don’t think we have the ability to disable the remix feature. Look for an update shortly.

There are utilities that will obfuscate the code you wrote. Looking at it will not give them an idea of how it works. It would be obvious if it were cut and pasted. I recommend instead creating exemplar code that you want them to study.

I agree with @jdonwells. While it is possible to obfuscate your code, it is probably better to accept that they can see the code and use it as a teaching tool.

Otherwise I think I would do some sort of class demo where I project/share my screen with the program running and act as the ‘driver’ while students explore how it works. I might also make a quick video of all the features such that while students are working on the project they can refer back to the video to make sure they’re building the appropriate UI.

Here’s what I came up with:

I used the embed feature for sharing so I could hide code, and I embedded the app in my LMS. Then I sent the kids a link with empty code but design mode all configured. It’s a pretty good work around for now. The app has a noticeable delay when it’s embedded, but they can deal.


Oh! I want this feature too! I love when the lessons show an example for the students to play around with the functionality but does not give access to the code. Sometimes the coding is too simple - or not varied enough to feel comfortable giving them access to an example exemplar.

Lots of great ideas before me. :slight_smile:

A kinda-alternative is to record video of you playing around with the app.

Yeah, kinda removes the whole students-play-with-the-app part, but hopefully at least demonstrates what the app is supposed to do :confused:

This week we will begin my usual ‘Number Guessing Game’ project. This year I produced the demo version in app lab since I’m using After we play some unplugged variants, I’ll demo the app for them, then they will draw a flow chart and develop the algorithm in pseudocode before writing their own in app lab. But, it would be cool if I could send them a link to the demo app with no code, as requested above. Because in that way, they could still refer to the app after class when they get stuck or are vague on some requirement. All that is to say here! here! I second the request :slight_smile:

The best way I found to do this was to use the embed feature via the share link and clicked to hide the code. Then I embedded the app in my LMS for students to test. Then I shared an applab project with only the design mode done and showed them the remix feature. worked fine, although much harder for me to check their code.


Absolutely simple! Thank you for the tip!

I would like to add my name to the chorus asking for this feature; the ability to share an app without the remix button, keeping the code and designer hidden. Being able to create my own “Make” lessons, letting the students explore the working app, would greatly improve the students experience and be a huge reduction in my work load for such assignments.

Just an update I guess, but one can store the source code in Pastebin and write a little bootloader that reads from pastebin. Make the URL as a cloud value (this cannot be remixed). This way, students won’t have access to the source at all, since they have no access to the link.
Only downside is the usage of eval().

Just a heads up, but there are commands in browser-embedded console to view the code. I won’t put it out here publicly, but embed?nosource is not safe. DM me for more info.