I am headed into Unit 6 and I have never used the virtual circuit board. Since it is not on code. org. I am not sure if I can assign the same things found on code.org and just have them complete it on the adafruit site? I am concerned.
Hi @asuarez,
You are correct in that the lessons in MakeCode and Unit 6 in CSD are not interchangeable. It sounds like you are fully remote and since you are using MakeCode, you can only use the virtual board. So, this great Maker Lesson will not really work for you.
When we were hybrid in the fall, I had my students learn how to code Circuit Playground at home with MakeCode so that when they came to school, they could code the board for their HackAPumpkin project. We really only needed to learn lights and sound. Here are the lessons I had them do in MakeCode to learn the lights and sound (I just copy/pasted from Google Classroom). The document also shows how kids can share their MakeCode work with you.
There are still many great things the kids can create with the virtual board. Any creation with sound and lights: music, night lights, hot potato games or other games based on shaking the board (you can do that in MakeCode) and I"m sure your kids are far more creative than these ideas;)
~Hope this helps!
Thank you so much for your reply. I don’t feel very confident about troubleshooting with the virtual board. If something doesn’t work, since I am not an expert, I am not sure I can help.
We are hybrid so I have some in person students and a few that are fully virtual. It is tough to juggle that.
@asuarez -
Yes. This year is just plain tough! Take a look at some of the lessons. They are mostly project based and give you all the blocks of code in the tutorials. But anyone would understand if you chose an alternate unit this year.