Is there a way to access Google Sheets from's javascript environment?

I am beginning to look ahead to “after the test”. I was wondering if there is a way to access google Sheets from the environment. I have done some limited coding in Google Script to update Sheets and google calendar items but I was wondering if there was a way to use’s “design” for an app that updates google sheets and calendar items. I thought it would be a good “after the test” project for my students.

@fallone at this point my understanding is “not yet” - BUT, submit a request for it!

I also am looking ahead to after the test! There is actually some “hidden” resources out there that aren’t fully developed but get into storing data and creating objects in js. You can check them out here. I am actually planning to do this with my students and throw in a bit more scaffolding myself since I know this section doesn’t have as much scaffolding as the previous units.

I have also thought about having students create (or modify) google chrome extensions after the AP test. They should be able to read the code and “remix” the code to do what they want it to do.

I would love to hear others’ ideas though too!

What is the best way to submit a request like this?

BTW, thanks for pointing to the “hidden” resources. I may be able to find some ideas for “after the test” from these.

@cmeeks is also thinking about post-AP test too. This seems like a great space to discuss plans!

And, if you go to “help and support” in the top right corner in code studio, they can get it to the right spot.