I thought I’d let folks know that the sensors are quite finicky with the micro:bit. All of the tasks that have students “blow” on the sensor to activate something do not work. Additionally, I have found the light sensor doesn’t work consistently unless I first shine a bright light on it. I have found I am spending far too much time troubleshooting device functionality than actually programming.
Also, why can’t I find a diagram ANYWHERE of the location of each sensor on the physical micro:bit???
I am so sorry you are having these issues. Do you mind linking the lesson you are having issues with. Perhaps there are tips or ideas others would have or have used when on that particular lesson.
The accelerometer is located on the back of the device, behind the B-button:
The micro:bit also has a temperature sensor inside the processor that can approximate the air temperature. This is what is used in the Lesson 11 Task 7 lesson.
Sounds like the lesson is causing some more time troubleshooting than it should for you. I totally understand that. I know working with physical computing can be cumbersome. Consider making sure you are using different devices (to make sure it isn’t a faulty device) and enlisting students in helping to collect data. They would LOVE to prove the accelerometer isn’t detecting a shake or correctly detecting the temperature change! Please contact support with your thoughts and data so they can adjust the lessons in future iterations.