Mini-Project to Replace Unit 3: Lesson 10: CS Discoveries

Hi! I thought I would share what I created for CS Discoveries in places of the mini project for Unit 3 Lesson 10. In this mini project, students are originally asked to create a simple animation. Working with high school students, I thought they could do a little more! So what I had them do is a comic strip!

Since we have only learned limited code, I am giving them a template that will allow them to just animate each slide! Here are links to all of the resources I am using! Enjoy!

Example Comic Strip

Mini-Project Slideshow

Mini-Project Directions Planning Worksheet This is for students to draw out their comic before coding!

Coding Template


Thank you for sharing.
Great idea to adapt to better meet your students abilities!

love this! Thanks for sharing!


I really like this alternative and might use it for a semester exam. What part of Code Studio did they use? Game lab or App lab?


Hi! I did it in place of Unit 3: Lesson 10. So I had them code there so that I could consistently keep track of their progress… They can also do it in Game Lab, I would suggest having them share the code with you immediately so you can check in on them as they are working if you use Game Lab

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Thank you for sharing. This is great.


I love it!! Thank you for sharing :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is a great activity! Thanks so much for sharing!

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This is great. Thanks so much for sharing. I’m always looking for something more for high school.

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