Hi! Seeking a bit of clarification on the rubric and marked samples.
For the third “Algorithms and Control Structures” band, Extensive Evidence states “Uses multiple conditionals inside the draw loop, at least one of which is triggered by a variable or sprite property.” I’m unsure why Sample 4 doesn’t meet this - I see four “if” statements, the last of which is triggered by “guitar_plays > 300”.
For that same band on Sample 2: I see two (multiple) conditionals, one of which is triggered by the variable “clicked_present.”
In general, I wonder about this band, because a lot of my students used multiple conditionals (often to have multiple kinds of user input) without having any triggered by variables or sprite properties. That would automatically put them at “Developing” for conditionals. Is the “triggered by variables or sprite properties” part that essential to the “Conditionals” band?
On that same note, I think there should be more support in the project guide for students using variables in their projects - many of mine only used variables to label the sprites, but that doesn’t seem to be counted in the marked samples (e.g. 3 and 6), so all of those students would get “No Evidence.”
Edit to add: I’m even more confused. If variables labeling sprites aren’t being counted, then Sample 1 doesn’t use “Multiple variables” (only one, shake_count), though it is marked that it does. However, Sample 4 seems to use variables in exactly the same way (one, guitar_plays), and it’s marked as “Convincing Evidence.” Why do those two get different assessments?
Another band: Why does Sample 6 get “No Evidence” for the first band? The “Limited Evidence” statement is “At least one sprite, with at least one property updated after sprite creation.” This program updates bike.scale, alien.scale, guitar.rotation, and guitar.scale (albeit sequenced incorrectly inside the draw loop). At an even more basic level, would using sprite.setAnimation count as changing a sprite’s property?
For “Position and Movement,” does rotation count as movement, or does only movement in the x and/or y directions count?