Print copy of new courses

Is there any way to get a print copy of the new Courses A-F without attending a training? I have already been to the training for the CS Fundamentals. I just printed out one story in color and went through an entire print cartridge.

The 350 page curriculum guide is available in PDF format here:

It’s in full color, but it doesn’t not include the stories from Courses A and B.

They are also available for purchase in black and white from the following link:
The price was about $29 with shipping for me. Mimeo offers free shipping after $100.

I’m not sure if plans to eventually sell printed copies of the stories. Another option is just to go totally paperless by projecting the stories.

Thanks for the links.

Mike, do you know if the PDF above includes the new revised versions of Courses D-F? I was told they would go live today, but am having trouble seeing any difference from the “old” version. Any insight would be most helpful. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I would guess that it’s not currently in sync with those updates. Paging @anon89503335 for an official answer. :slight_smile:

Thanks, Mike. I appreciate it. I’ll keep checking the dashboard for the updated versions and just print the ones I need.

Mike is correct. The lesson plans for those have not yet been generated. We’ll update the larger PDF soon, but until then, all of the unplugged lessons in the ramp-ups also live in another A-F course.

~Happy Coding!

I have looked for the new ramp-up lessons and cannot seem to find them. Are they in the course catalogs? I printed Course E last week before I learned they were being revised and now I’m searching for the new lessons and can’t seem to find them. If I’m looking in the wrong place, please let me know. Thanks.

We have finished building the ramp-ups and they will start going live tomorrow (beginning with Course F). They should all be rolled out by the end of the week…and you will know for sure when that’s happened!

Your printouts will still be valid, they’ll just be shifted by 9 stages. So Lesson #2 will become Lesson #11.

I hope you love the changes!


Perfect! Thanks so much. I’ll be watching for them throughout the week. I need Course E and F so that’s awesome! :slight_smile: