I’ve been a Code.org Computer Science Fundamentals facilitator in Minnesota since 2015 and a public school educator for 11 years!
As I started learning about CS education, I found a lot of research from the DevTech Research Group andDr. Marina Bers out of Tufts University to be incredibly helpful as I spent time thinking about what it could look like in my classroom. I recently made a job transition to work at Tufts with Dr. Bers and the Early Childhood Technology (ECT) Graduate Certificate program.
I wanted to share the program in this thread in case you are looking for additional professional learning resources beyond our CSF workshops!
Applications are open until August 1st for the year-long blended program which starts in September 2019. You can learn more at go.tufts.edu/ECT or email me at angela.kalthoff @ tufts.edu