Test prep tips? Please share!

Did you try the free version of albert.io? We looked at this at our last PD but didn’t dive deep.

Thanks for confirming that’s it possible for us to access the codehs.com content for free.

Based on everything shared in this thread and on the College Boards AP CSP Community Board here is the review assignment I put together for my students - AP CSP Review Assignment

Thought I would share it, in case it could help someone else.


Thanks so much for sharing this, it’s really well done! :slight_smile:

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I like your Review Assignment a lot! I am using it with my students.


Thank you for sharing this!

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@dougmmcnally @fallone @lizzy_quinanola
Thanks for the feedback! I’m glad you also find it helpful.

FYI I can’t get the codehs.com link to work properly. So if you copied the assignment, you might need to play around with the link. Currently it directs them to the exam, but then they need to sign in to access the questions.

Hi All,

Has anyone already created a quizlet live or kahoot for final review? I’d like to have at least one day of more interactive review. I am actually planning to give my Ss the full practice test that the CB released to teachers on Tuesday/Wednesday and then going over answers on Thursday. That test will count as my “final” in the class and hopefully provide all students some formative feedback before the AP test which I really consider the “summative” assessment.

Great ideas here everyone!

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I use a learning management system called Canvas, and put the quiz questions into Canvas for my students. Canvas calculates all the analytics for all questions so I know what questions are missed most often, and what wrong choices are most often chosen. This allows me to understand what my students might be thinking when they pick the wrong answer, and target the misunderstanding for follow-up clarification.


Sounds great @lmoritz does Canvas let you share those quizzes publicly so others who use Canvas can benefit from your hard work next year?


Let me see if I can do that. I may be able to add it to the creative commons.

Thanks so much. These semester final for CSP was excellent.