Once the students have taken a test where to the students and teacher see the test scores? - LSNoss
You’ve probably figured this out by now, but the Assessment questions for the Chapter Tests can be found under Teacher Home Page -> Student Accounts and Progress and then look under the tab titled Assessments/Surveys. I found it helpful to download the results to a CSV file (that is an option in the upper right corner of the assessments list) and grade them that way.
When I go there I get an error message and a timer that never ends. It just says Loading… forever.
Have you tried logging out and restarting your browser?
Just checking up to see if you are still having this problem. Please let us know and we will try to help.
I can’t find the post project test my students took a few days ago. I was going to go in and grade them and it says they have not started them. I know they took them and submitted them on Tuesday this weekk and when I went to grade them today I can’t even pull them up.
Are you in the correct version of the curriculum? Did the students take the test in the correct version? If this does not help, write to support@code.org.