U1 Day 1-2: PD Discussion Topic

I like the methods that were used in the in person PD that I attended.

I plan to have time set aside for:

Introduction of Norms
Journal Entry
One on One Discussions
Group (3-4) Discussions
Class Discussions

I think having the students work with small groups and pair and share first helps them to discuss with the entire group.

To facilitate discussion during this lesson and later in the course I have always had success using Think Pair Share where students are given time to first think about what they will say to their peers. Then they share their thoughts with their peer. Eventually we share these ideas to the class. I’ve also used gallery walks where students partner in twos and threes in order create a poster. Students then walk around the room and learn from each other’s posters.

I think that a jigsaw method is and excellent way to facilitate discussion. It also helps them become experts in area and learn how to learn from each other.

To facilitate discussions among the students I will have them work with one or two others to compile a list of what computers are in the room. I will go in round robin sequence throughout the room multiple times until everyone has spoken out at least once and compile a master list on a Google Doc.

The students that are coming to me already have so much computing knowledge. So, I will need to get them thinking about some of the newer devices that are on the market to help them to understand that a device that can process is basically a computer.

I plan on having students to brainstorm individual questions/ideas and then discuss as a group.

Use a common editable Google .doc in class today instead of sticky notes and poster paper… worked great… in a classroom where everyone has access to a computer. We are a 1:1 school. :slight_smile: Matt

I plan on asking questions at the beginning on class to write answers in their journals. Then I plan on having them discuss their answers with their table group of 3-4 students. Finally I plan on having each group share information from their group discussion, I will have one person from each group volunteer, since this is the first day I need to learn a little bit about the students before “putting them on the spot”.

I am in a very small school so my class size is 4 this year. For this lesson, I plan on staying away from breaking into groups and just have a long conversation with them. I am pretty familiar with my students as I have had them in similar classes. They are also pretty good friends as it is a small town. I anticipate everyone participating and not holding back. Because of this, I tend to go about discussions like this informally as I find it makes the students a bit more relaxed and willing to share/question. Might not work at a bigger school but seems to work here.

The idea of sliding groups has always worked the best for me. I think I will use this method a lot as we have done in our PD session.

I think it is important to establish a safe space in the classroom first. Set some ground rules for group work and discussions.

Then I would have students respond individually probably in writing. Then they would have time to share at their tables, but each student would be asked to share. They would then create a list either on chart paper, post-it notes, or index cards to display for the class. We would then get into the discussion of what makes something a computer. I think it best again to do a think, pair/group, share. Give each student a chance to think it through themselves before working with others to come to consensus of sorts.

I plan on implementing this discussion by having an individual journal writing first, then have students share in their groups, and finally have each group share their answers until the whole class has shared. This will give everyone a chance to voice their opinion at least once. This will lead into a discussion about what a computer is and we can examine why we had so many different answers.

  1. Keep the group small so everyone gets a chance to speak.
  2. Establish group protocols to follow so everyone gets to share what one’s response is. Provide questions that allow for conversation to pick up.

I gave my students instructions to write down anything they saw in my room that might be considered a computer (defined as an item with a central processing unit), I gave them 10 minutes to do this then I went around the room and asked each student to give me one item they had written down. I had drawn on the board two columns-- a “yes” and a “?” then we discussed each item the students had written down and shared, determined if the item was indeed a computer, and assigned mini-research papers towards the few items that were in the “?” column. FYI these items were light-up shoes, computer keyboards, and light ballasts.

I like to start the conversation with something most of my students can connect to like, for example, video games. This leads to the realization that the game console is a specialized type of computer. From there, the students usually start to think more broadly about what can be considered to be a computer. In general, trying to start with something relevant to them is a good way to get them talking.

One strategy I plan on using is the think-pair-share model. Students will have some individual time to think about a prompt. They will then share their thoughts with a partner or a small group where they feel comfortable. At this point, I like to walk around and hear bits of conversation. Before I start the whole-group share, I like to highlight positive discussion techniques used by students in their small groups. These techniques eventually become a class-created structure for how to have discussions.

I will have a collection of various items–from an abacus to 1970’s digital clock. I will disburse these old items to groups and students will have to argue that the items are or are not computers…

I’m planing on bringing in issues within my students interest, such as smart device “94Fifty”. such a topic will promote discussion in the classroom.

I plan utilizing student input as to what the rubric and protocols for discussion in the class should be. Students are generally more on point with discussions when they have say in how they happen and get evaluated. After this, I usually laminate and tape these protocols to the desks as a reminder for students.