U5 Days 1-3 Challenge Lesson

Unit 5 Days 1-3 Room Data Project Write-up

Initially each student had to chart their own happiness in each of their classes for 4 days. They were not given any scale to use or format for recording the data.

At the end of four days they had to compare and combine their data with their “final project group.” They should have learned the importance of setting up the scales and formats for results, so that the information can be sorted and manipulated.

The students then had to manipulate the data to look for trends or a story. They had to learn how to sort data several ways.


All groups in the classroom then had to combine their data into one large data file that they could manipulate and look for trends and stories. This reinforces the need to have the information formats predetermined. Discuss how companies that merge with other companies go through these struggles, as they have to merge their data.


It is important that students that are absent the first day, start the assignment the first day they return.

Some students will want the teacher to give them the answer formats and rating scale at the start - this needs to be given back to the individual student to decide. However, the teacher does need to tell them the information that needs to be collected.

Student teams need to fairly decide what form the results will be converted to, so that one students doesn’t take over the team.


Instructed to have students rate their “happiness” each period in a chart, recording the day, period, class, and happiness.

Additional Resources

Teach how to do data sorts in the program that will be used.

Date Time Location Happiness


Date Time Location Happiness Student
4/4/2016 1 B-7 5 Damian
4/4/2016 2 E-6 7 Damian
4/4/2016 3 SS-4 8 Damian
4/4/2016 4 Gym 5 Damian
4/4/2016 5 M-8 9 Damian
4/4/2016 6 Lib-4 10 Damian
4/4/2016 7 Sci-2 10 Damian
4/5/2016 1 B-7 5 Damian
4/5/2016 2 E-6 7 Damian
4/5/2016 3 SS-4 8 Damian
4/5/2016 4 Gym 5 Damian
4/5/2016 5 M-8 9 Damian
4/5/2016 6 Lib-4 10 Damian
4/5/2016 7 Sci-2 10 Damian
4/6/2016 1 B-7 10 Damian
4/6/2016 2 E-6 8 Damian
4/6/2016 3 SS-4 4 Damian
4/6/2016 4 Gym 9 Damian
4/6/2016 5 M-8 7 Damian
4/6/2016 6 Lib-4 8 Damian
4/6/2016 7 Sci-2 6 Damian
4/4/2016 1 B-7 8 Maria
4/4/2016 2 M-2 5 Maria
4/4/2016 3 Gym 4 Maria
4/4/2016 4 Sci-1 9 Maria
4/4/2016 5 IA-1 10 Maria
4/4/2016 6 E-4 3 Maria
4/4/2016 7 SS-4 7 Maria
4/5/2016 1 B-7 10 Maria
4/5/2016 2 M-2 7 Maria
4/5/2016 3 Gym 5 Maria
4/5/2016 4 Sci-1 9 Maria
4/5/2016 5 IA-1 10 Maria
4/5/2016 6 E-4 3 Maria
4/5/2016 7 SS-4 7 Maria
4/6/2016 1 B-7 8 Maria
4/6/2016 2 M-2 5 Maria
4/6/2016 3 Gym 4 Maria
4/6/2016 4 Sci-1 9 Maria
4/6/2016 5 IA-1 10 Maria
4/6/2016 6 E-4 3 Maria
4/6/2016 7 SS-4 7 Maria