This assignment was enlightening yet challenging as well. The student really enjoyed learning about different cultures and being able to relate to some of them. However, using the design tools was quite challenging. The next time I teach this lesson, I am going to bring in some thread and make friendship bracelets. I see boys and girls wearing these bracelets and the same concepts are should apply.
I completed Day 5-7 Cornrow Activity. This lesson was a little challenging for most of my students. I noticed that using the Culturally Design Tools was a challenge for all students. My extended learning activity was to design a friendship bracelet using the same concepts as the cornrow, which is using four geometric concepts: translation, rotation, reflection, and dilation. There is no right or wrong look to the friendship bracelet. We started off with a demo of the cornrow braiding and as the students braided hair a group of students mimicked the same concepts on the bracelet to see if it would work. The aha moment during this activity was reaching all students. There were moments when the students didn’t understand the Culturally Design Tool and had to be redirected. However, they all understood and was excited to make friendship bracelets (tangible, able to take home, give to a friend, a result of their work). Extension Activity–Cornrow Braiding.docx (1.9 MB)
This is a great lesson! I experienced the same problems. I will try this next year!
Thanks for sharing about your experience with Cornrow curves. Using the design software can be tricky. I’ve seen some teachers focus on designs that use curves in nature, architecture, etc. to help students see it’s application. I’ve seen others focus more on the history and complexity of designing patterns of cornrows, etc.
Trying out the friendship bracelets using similar concepts is a great way to keep students engaged an connected to the concepts trying to be taught.