Unit 2 Lesson 13 - Why is this not mentioned in the teacher lesson plan or lesson work?

Are these nested

tags in Unit 3 Lesson 13?? Why is this not mentioned in the teacher lesson plan or lesson work? How are folks teaching this? It is very confusing…

and this CSS:

.container > div {
background-color: aliceblue;
margin: 5px;
width: 30%; /* CHANGE ME TO 30% TO SEE THE 5TH ITEM SHRINK */
text-align: center;
line-height: 55px;
font-size: 20px;
border-style: solid;
font-family: sans-serif;

Hi @apatel,

I am currently in these lessons now.

The idea of nesting children is addressed back in Lesson 3 “Headings and Lists”. In the Lesson Plan key points it states:
“We use indentation, or whitespace, in front of the <li> tags to indicate that they are “children” nested within the type of list tag.”
Writing “Clean code with indentation” is also a consistent line item in the rubrics in this unit. So, although there is always room to cover it more specifically, I do think it was covered.
I agree that I didn’t see the “>” symbol was covered in Lesson 13. I assumed it meant div children of .container but had to look it up. Or, if it was covered, I missed it.

With all of this said, I think it is worth it to go HERE and suggest they cover the idea of parent/child and how to code them for readability and how to refer to them in HTML and CSS more specifically. I would choose “A course, lesson, tutorial, or unit” in the dropdown". The curriculum writers review this input for future changes.
