Unit 2 - Lesson 8-5 needs additional instructions

You never tell the student to create a Customer object in 8.5 (for the modifyDessert() exercise). They’ll need to build a Customer object specifying an existing Dessert to be able to run and test their modifyDessert() method. jr

Hi John,
Thanks for alerting us to this issue. I went to look at that level, and I am seeing a Customer object named myCustomer already created in the level on line 20. Is this what your level was missing? If this line is not in your code. you can check in with support@code.org to get more specific tech help.


There’s no Customer object in my myConsole level. Keep in mind that, with each lesson, and the edits and commits, levels can easily get out of sync from what you expect.

I think, even if you guys supplied a level of myConsole that has a Customer object (where? I went back through all the Lesson 8 levels, and didn’t find it), that’s not optimal. It’s better to have students create a new Dessert object for the new Customer, and then create that Customer object linked to that Dessert. This enforces the process, and the relationships. Then, when they call the modifyDessert() method, they know what Customer and Dessert they’re working with.

I can also tell you that, with my classroom of 20 students all working through these lessons, their versions of the Dessert, myConsole, Cupcake and Customer classes get out of sync from what you seem to expect. jr

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Yes, it is definitely tricky to keep students all on track with some of these classes that are built onto throughout a lesson or the entire unit. I think the Customer class was only used in this one lesson, but one of the supports I use with my students on the Dessert/ Cookie classes in unit 2, and PainterPlus in unit 1 is what I call the “safety net code”. Each time a file needs to be imported there is a link in the instructions to a working version of the class for students who were absent/ behind.

Thank you for sharing your experience on this lesson, it is helpful to other teachers on the forum to have a heads up of what to expect. Another way to communicate that is directly with the curriculum development team is to use the rate this lesson button on the unit overview page:


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