Unit 3 - Student Hands Out duplicated multiple times?

For Unit 3, the student hand outs to be printed, the same 7 pages are listed 6 times. Are students just using one copy, or am I really to print 6 copies of the same 7 Project Designing an App pages for all students…21 pages double sided for one unit seems like a waste of paper…surely they wouldn’t need 6 copies of the initial instruction page nor the rubric…right?

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They definitely do not need six copies! I think the goal from code.org is to link it every time they will use it so that you know the guide is relevant to that lesson. Feel free to just print it once, or print the relevant page(s) on each day for the given lesson.

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Another question with first project. Unit 3, Lesson 4.
I think students should have access to two/ three code instructions. At least setScreen to set new screen when they click on a button.

Rupali, this seems to be a feature request/curriculum modification. Write to support@code.org.

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What do think of that? As they have seen it in lesson 2, they can do that in lesson 4. I tell my students to type it but at the start of coding, it becomes a challenge, they should be able to use blocks.
What do you think? How do you do this lesson?

I just go along with the way the curriculum is designed. Students are really impatient at this stage to start programming. I tell them to hold on for just a couple more days so I can show them how to add sounds, start programming, and debugging,

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