Welcome to CS Discoveries: Introduce yourself

  • My name is Abigail McDonald, I teach 6-8, Middle school
  • I am planning on teaching PS & Computing, Interactive Animation & Games, AI
  • Student engagement is what I am most excited to see

My name is Mark Hotopp. I’ll be teaching 2-3 grade CS Fundamentals (C&D), and CS Discoveries to Grades 4-5 (units 1&2) and 6-8 (units 4&5). As we’re adding a grade each year and adding 9th this year we’ll be offering CS Principles this year and look toward future CS offerings for HS. I love the ways code.org lays it out and all of the resources available for this journey.

My name is Kevin Clinton and I teach 6-8 grades. I am teaching parts of Unit 1 ,2 and 3. I am excited to get started with the students.

My name is Una Davis and I teach 6th-8th graders. I am using CS Discovery for one semester class that meets 5 days, so I am hoping to introduce each unit. I am excited to use well developed lessons with different options for the students. The daunting tasks will be accountabilities with checking and grading for over 100 students.

Hi, my name is Ada Anderson. I will be teaching an elective class this year after teaching either 5th or 6th grade science for the last 23 years. I will be teaching both 5th and 6th graders STEAM this year. I will be using CS Discoveries with my 6th graders. I am most excited how CS Discoveries has the lessons Grouped together with pacing. I will teach Unit 4: Design Process first.

Hi Everyone!,

My name is Juan Gutierrez.
I have taught elementary but will now be teaching 6-8 grade STEM/CS.
I plan on teaching the first half of CS Discoveries, I am most excited about the coding and having students learning and exploring the opportunities to debug a code.

Hello all, my name is Josie. I work with students 7-8th grade at. a junior high. I plan to begin with units 1-3. We will primarily be working with the lessons after school. I am excited to see my students use the Code.org platform to increase their confidence in CS.

I am Angelia Bailey. I teach 5-8 in a middle school setting. I am looking forward to teaching problem solving and either web development or interactive animations and games this year. I am excited to see how students will respond to the different activities available.

HI, my name is Madeeha Mansoor. I am teaching computer science to K-5 since last 2 years now. Before perusing my career in teacher, I have my BS and MS in Computer Science. Despite of my prior experience as a S.E I love love Code.org because of it step by step abstraction and detailed lesson planning. Looking forward to implementing CS discoveries in my 6th grade classroom this year.

Diana O’Neal
Problem Solving and Computing, The Design Process, Web Development
I am excited about my students having challenges in CS that they can be successful in obtaining. Great for boosting their confidence in working not just with computers, but as a computer scientist!

Hi everyone! I am Reba Griggs, I am going into my second year of teaching Middle School computer science, coding and robotics in Texas. I am part of the CSD Training right now and looking forward to adding more opportunities to code for my students.

Urvi Bhatia
8th Grade
I plan to teach AI and App unit
I am most excited to introduce AI unit to my students

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I am Beth Shafer and I will be teaching 7th and 8th graders at a CA public middle school. I have not yet decided which units I will teach. I need to dive deeper into the curriculum before I decide. I am really excited to bring a computer science class to my school after many years (at least 12) without one…

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Hello! My name is Amy. I am an elementary teacher switching to MS, teaching coding. I will teach grades 6-8. I am not sure which units I will teach yet.

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Hello my name is Jacob Jarecki. I took over for a retiring teacher this past year at San Diego High School, and taught CS Discoveries and Game Design courses. I am excited to start the year off with my CS Discoveries classes, but am worried about the best way to be equitable/fair in my grading policies.

I sometimes feel that if I make things very clear/fair, some students that don’t meet those goals feel like they are failing, and if I make things more equitable/loose/per student, then a lot of students lose motivation because they want to know how exactly how what they are doing day to day transfers to a grade (as opposed to being more driven by their own learning/progress)

Hi, My name is Kembela Hawkins and completely new to computer science. I am currently not a teacher. I am the PLC Coach at a middle school in Memphis. When preparing for the upcoming year, I will be with 8th graders. I will focus on Interactive Animations and Games.

Hi! My name is Tera. I used the elementary code.org resources, but I am now learning about better reaching my grade 6 students with CS Discoveries.

CS Fundamentals
CS Discoveries
CS Principles
Learning along with my students

Hi everyon! I am Sydney. I teach 6-12 Business & Technology. The upcoming year will be my first year of teaching, as well as my first year of teaching Computer Science. I plan on teaching units 1, 3, 6, 7 from CS Discoveries. I am excited for how many amazing resources that code.org provides to teach computer science and that this will be completely new to the students, but that is also a little nervewracking.

Hello, I am Pamela Dalton and I teach grades 6-8 at Blacksburg Middle School, Montgomery County. For Coding 1 & 2, I have 7th & 8th Grade and plan to teach Ch.1 of the first 3 units (minimum) to Coding 1 and Ch. 2 of first 3 units to Coding 2 classes; if time allows, I will also introduce 4-6.
Excited to learn and develop lesson plans as I proceed and add-on interactive hands-on activities