Hello, I’m Ivelisse Sabater. I teach high school students. I plan to teach the webpage design unit, and the project process that includes defining, planning, trying, and reflecting. I’m most excited about the games design. It will be my first time teaching, so I’m not completely sure yet of what I should be teaching, any ideas or recommendations?
Introduce yourself to the CS Discoveries teacher community!
Hi My name is Mia D.
I currently teach grades 9-12
I am not currently teaching CS but I am working towards the endorsement to teach CS.
I am most excited about coding and teaching coding.
Hello, my name is Rebecca B. I teach 6th grade Intro To Computer Science. I plan to teach Lessons 1-13. I’m most excited about teaching my students how to create their own web page.
I teach technology education in Cranston Rhode Island. This semester i taking a class that is utilizing CS Discoveries at URI. I am using this course to be able to make better use of code.org and all its resources.
I am a practicum student and I am currently in CS Discoveries at URI. I hope to teach either middle school or high school students. I hope to use the lessons on this website to better teach CS in a class to students.
My name is Robert Shields. I currently teach Eighth Grade ELA intervention. I am a CS teacher, but have enjoyed my time working through the units of study in the game and app lab. These areas seem to be most appealing for middle school students and could create a great deal of enjoyment and collaboration.
Hello fellow educators! I am an educator who is currently working in China and I am excited about introducing CS Discoveries to MS learners next year (be it an after-school activity or elective, or really in any other capacity). I am looking forward to learning from and with each and one of you.
My name is Dani and I am still a student who is interested in becoming a teacher. This year I will be teaching a practicum during a virtual hour of code to grades 3-5 and teaching a Hello World: animals lesson. I am excited in general about teaching coding since it will be my first time ever teaching a lesson.
Ms. Shavon Glover. I teacher high school (grades 9-12). I plan to teach Web Development. I am most excited about learning alongside my students as some of them have prior CS knowledge.
Nice to meet you! Web Development is one of my favorites with students. Since you’re teaching upper grades, you might also find w3schools.com to be helpful. I know I did!
Hello, my name is Laura Travis. Currently, I teach 4th and 5th grades. I am looking forward to learning more about CS Discoveries, as I am more familiar with Fundamentals.
My name is Gina Manning. I’ve been teaching code.org for over 10 years. I got away from it for a couple years to teach ProjectSTEM and I am hoping to get a new job where they are starting a computer class in the middle school and would like to implement CS Discoveries. If I am hired, the plan is to implement 2 units each year for grades 6-8. I would probably roll out the first two units to all grades this coming year and then roll out the next two the following year and so forth. I am excited about machine learning and AI, but I’m mostly excited about the idea that I might be returning to being a middle school computer teacher!
My name is Adam Cornwall. I teach 6-8 grade Introduction to Technology as well as 7-8 grade robotics. I plan on teaching the Web Development course to my technology classes. I’m excited that I work with kids on Web Development. We are a rural community and they don’t often get the opportunity to dive more into the workings of the internet.
Hi My name is Makenzie Caffrey. I am currently not a teacher, but am enrolled at the University of Rhode Island. I am an early childhood education major, planning to teach kindergarten. Due to the fact I am not a teacher, I have no lessons planned to teach to any students. After being enrolled in this course, I am most excited about learning new skills and expanding by knowledge when it comes to coding since I was never able to enroll in a coding class in my past education.
Hello! My name is Jeff Yearout and I am working through the PD to become a code.org facilitator for CSD! I look forward to helping teachers enter the arena of teaching computer science!
Welcome to the club, @jyearout ! We’re glad to have you!
Hi! My name is Kaitlin Quinton and I am currently still a college student, pursuing a degree in Elementary Education. This year I will be teaching a practicum to a first grade classroom, “Training AI using Data”. I really look forward to teaching this lesson and introducing many of my first graders to their first time doing anything code/CS related!
My name is Tami, I teach 6th graders and I am just starting to learn about CS Discoveries, although I have taught using App Lab for many years. I love how it empowers students to learn at their pace and use resources to figure things out for themselves.
Michael Tipton Grades 9-12 Still Evaluating the different courses. Excited about continuing to learn and help students learn.
My name is Tayo. I teach grades 3-6. I am looking forward to learning more about CS Discoveries, as I am new to code.org. I teach in Mongolia.