Welcome to CS Discoveries: Introduce yourself

Hi Everyone, My name is Laurena Mott and I will be teaching 6th grade computer science this year. I am moving up to middle school from being a 4th grade teacher for 15 years. I am excited about the change and the chance to use Code.org with my students. I only have my students for one trimester (only 30 days!), which means I need to find a way to fit as much in as possible. I am mainly focusing on computational thinking. I was thinking that Unit 1 would be a great place to start! If anyone has any suggestions, I am open to any!

Jordan Clark
I teach grades 6, 7, & 8
The first three for sure, then we’ll see.
I’m excited for some auto-grading support.

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Aloha from Kauai!
Romeo Baldeviso
Grades 6,7,8
Not sure yet
The possibility of kids writing code!

Julie Bates
I teach 7th and 8th (will add 6th next year)
I will be teaching Units 1-3 this year, but I plan on requesting to teach the full year CS Discoveries for next year after attending a CS Discovery workshop this summer.
I’m excited to build my CS program using Code.org.

I’m Michael Culver and I teach at Woodrow Wilson Middle School in Tampa Florida. I teach 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. This will be my 5th year using Code.org.
Good luck to everyone this year!!!

Hello there! I’m Blake Nelson and I’m excited to try out the AI and machine learning unit with my robotics class later this school year.

Hello all! I’m Michele Alvarez and this is my first Code.org course. I am excited to learn more about cyber security. I teach at mostly 6th grade at Franklin BPA in Tampa, FL. I am excited to teach computer science this year!

Greetings! My name is Catherine Shavers. I am a middle school CTE teacher in Kernersville, NC. This year I am excited about introducing the 6th graders to Coding. I am also excited to see what my 7th graders retained, and how well they will do with Coding II. I am looking forward to teaching my students app designs, as well as website designs.

Hello, my name is Katheryn. I teach 6th grade science. I hope to incorporate this curriculum into the science classroom and/or afterschool club

Hi I’m Reaghan I teach 6th Science. I hope to implement the machine learning unit and I’m excited about coding!

Stacey McCain
8th Grade
Focusing on Creativity
The Animations/Gaming and the Creating Apps with Devices

Don :slight_smile:
I’m Teaching 6-8 this year

  • Interactive Actions and Games
  • Data and Society
  • Web Development
  • App Design
    I’m excited to see the scholars enjoy learning and exploring new discoveries.

Hi all!
My name is Tim Daugherty.
I will be teaching coding to grades 6-8 at Berkeley International School in Bangkok, Thailand. I’m excited to learn more about CS!

Hello, my name is Eva Alexiou and I teach to grades 10-12 computer science. I will be teaching AI and I am really excited.

Hey y’all, my name is Amy Fulcher. I teach middle school and this will be my 2nd year teaching, but my 1st year teaching CS Discoveries. I love being creative and the students do as well, I am planning to teach “Focus on Creativity.” I’m super excited to learn a long side my students and see what they create!

Hello Everyone, my name is Josee Cantin I teach middle school and I will be teaching units 1,2,3,4 and 7 this year. I am excited to learn about AI and web development the most.

Hi! I’m Jessie and I teach grades 4-7. I plan on teaching Units 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 this year. I am super excited to get my classes doing some hands-on problem solving and coding.

Hello everyone! My name is Marco Campos. I will be teaching 5th grade. Currently, I not be teaching any units as me and my district are still trying to build a program for K-12. However, I am excited to learn all the units and share with anyone and everyone!

Nathan Tucker
I work with the Prairie View A&M Cooperative Extension Program.
I work primarily with grades 3 through 8.
I have taught Fundamentals level C but I am looking forward to expanding to include all the CS Discoveries Units as well.

Good morning! My name is Brenda Songy and I teach primarily high school freshmen with a sprinkling of sophomores, juniors, and seniors. I plan to teach the first 3 units of CS Discoveries this year, and I would like to add Machine Learning to give the kids a hands-on experience. Now that I have one year under my belt, I can move a little faster through the curriculum and I would like to introduce the kids to 3-D printing.