My name is Harun Gurcan. I teach Coding Fundamentals and Computer Applications for Grade 6 and grade 7, respectively.
I am planning to teach 5 units from, which are problem Solving and Computing, Web Development, Interactive Animations and Games, Creating Apps with devices and AI and Machine Learning.
I am excited about especially teaching interactive animations and games, which I tried personally and like the unit a lot.
Thanks and have a wonderfl school year.
Yasman Cortes
How AI Works
AI Bot
Greetings All.
My name is Jeff. I plan to teach CS Discoveries units 1-4 to middle school students. Iâm excited to jump into computer science, as it is all new to me.
Have a great start to your school year!
Hello! My name is Jenny Jones. I teach 7th and 8th grade. I was trained in CSD this summer and will be incorporating some of the units into my PLTW Gateway courses. So far I think I will be utilizing the physical computing unit to supplement the micro:bits from PLTW. I am also looking at the Computers and Problem Solving Chapter 2, Data and Society, and AI and Machine Learning. Iâm most excited to bring some new ideas and lessons into my classroom.
Hi, my name is Tarshe McEachin and I teach 9th grade. Iâll be teaching units 3-7 and Iâm mostly excited about unit 3!
Hi I am Ghofar and I teach 10th grade. I will teaching from unit 1. I hope can make my students exited with this course.
Hi! My name is Veronica and I will be teaching 8th grade computer science for the first time. This is all new to me, and I am excited to get started. Best of luck to everyone this school year!
My name is Sarah Estrem. I teach 7th grade. I am looking at the CS Discoveries yearlong course. I am most excited about learning alongside the students.
Mabuhay everybody!
My name is Pam Ros Damarillo. I founded a nonprofit in LA teaching after school code camps to middle school students.
I am most excited about and plan to teach the Physical Computing unit this semester.
Connect with me if youâre in LA!
Hello, my name is Linda Williams. I am a middle school teacher in Lansing, MI. I teach grades 6-8 technology. I plan to teach Unit 1-3. I like the way to teacher lessons and support are organized.
Hey Gordon! Natasha K.'s mom from Bethany from way back! So cool to see you in here!
Hey there, I am Sara Hsiang taking on a new curriculum for grade 7. We are supposed to do 5 units in a semester (problem solving, web development, interactive games animations, design, data), meeting about 200 minutes per week. I was pretty excited by the intro video, especially about providing equity to my students now and for their future possibilities.
Cindy here! Good Morning, amazing educators. Glad to learn along side of you.
New CS Discoveries 6-8 teacher here. Just starting on my journey and getting comftable with Hope everyone had a great holiday and a good week.
- What is your name? Laurie Caravaglio
- What grade levels do you teach? 6th grade
- Which units of CS Discoveries do you plan to teach this year? 1 and 2
- What in CS Discoveries are you most excited about? The hands on activities to help teach coding concepts.
- What is your name?- Krys Evensen
- What grade levels do you teach? I teach K-8 gifted and talented.
- Which units of CS Discoveries do you plan to teach this year? Intro to coding
- What in CS Discoveries are you most excited about?
I love all of the games and activities (especially AI)
What is your name? Erica Huffman Sutton
What grade levels do you teach? 6th-8th
Which units of CS Discoveries do you plan to teach this year? As many as we can fit into an 18 week course.
What in CS Discoveries are you most excited about? Watching the students grow while engaging in fun lessons.
- Name: SalomĂłn RodrĂguez
- Highschool math teacher
- Unit 3 probably
- Unit 3 probably, too
Whatâs up! Glad to see you here. I hope all is well with you and yours.