Where are the Top Websites?

On the Student Activity Guide sheet, it directs students to “1. Go to the “Top Websites” level on Code Studio”. How do students (or teachers) navigate to this?

Here is the link to it. https://studio.code.org/s/csd2/stage/1/puzzle/2

Students can navigate to any lesson material by starting at code.org (they must be signed in)
clicking on the view course

then clicking on the appropriate unit. Here unit 2

And then the correct lesson.

For teachers, there is usually a link from the lesson plan to the web resource but I do not see it on this lesson plan.

Hope this helps.

@debra.scoltock @jold

Hi Debra and John! Thanks for posting about this. I just added the link on the lesson plan so next time you refresh the page it should be there. If you still can’t see the link on the lesson plan after refreshing, please let us know.


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