U1 Day 8-9: PD Discussion Topic

I’m going to include this video from “Last Week Tonight” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuNIwYsz7PI) which highlights the degree to which privacy on the internet can lead to online harassment. We’ll use this avenue to discuss how the internet changes communication, particularly bullying.

My goal is to get students to begin to understand what data is collected about them. Will connect to search,

Focus on the college app process and evaluation of social media profiles.

Students naturally relate to this topic and make it approachable to students. I think, as many others have mentioned, making it personal will increase the impact the most. What if these students want to get a job, how will social media impact their chances? What if they are in a relationship and send an image or text that they thought was private and then the relationship goes south - what should students recommend to their peers about social media and privacy? These kinds of topics I think students will gravitate towards and be really engaged in.

I think that this lesson will be very approachable for my students. We have a strong culture of debate and discussion at our school and controversial topics such as, “Should employers be allowed to consider your Facebook page when hiring you?” will yield very rich conversations. In order for students to understand the impact of technology I think it is important for them to engage in a writing activity where they consider a day without technology.

One of the things I did was play the “gossip” game–I whispered the same phrase to each student only once - then the student types what he or she thought they had heard me say and then they send it out on Google Drive to the entire group-

Then we examine all of the different interpretations that stemmed from the same phrase- obviously this proves as a great object lesson about internet communication

Students need to understand the importance and the impact (positive and negative) that social media and internet communication have in their lives. In addition it is a great lesson to teach ethical practices as well as safety issues related to the use of social media and technology in general.

This lesson is approachable to students because many of them can relate to how social media has affected their lives. I think they can easily understand how it can affect them in the future, also, especially through the use of some of those resources.
To ask students to reflect on the impact of internet communication, I would ask them to research to find an instance of how internet communication has affected someone in a dramatic way. Alternatively, they could reflect on how it has impacted themselves directly.

Ask students to research case studies of misrepresentation on labels and discuss its impact on consumers. Explain how an app is a consumer item as well. What measures can the app consumer take to make sure that privacy issues like taking contact lists as well as account security are taken into consideration.

It is the content and current applicability of this lesson that make this lesson “more” approachable to students, however, they are less than likely to fully understand or relate to the full consequences of the downside of open communication and social media. They tend to have limited experience, personal or associative, with any of the negative impact. Because their own sphere of influence is relatively narrow and does not have career or legal impact now, they just don’t see the concerns. The hope is that within any one class, one or a small number of students will grasp the greater concern and through discussion, be able to impress that understanding upon their peers.

Journaling activities that chronical their own positive and negative experiences with social media, and an exercise in logging their own personal use of it over a 24 hour period to foster a discussion about its impact on offline relationships.

Companies must be held to the highest ethical standards possible. This includes client privacy if that is so promised.

Students will be made aware of the reality of computers, the internet, and privacy.

I think what makes this lesson approachable to students is the fact that the case studies and articles revolve around issues that they hear about, talk about, or use in their everyday life. I think maybe creating a timeline would show how the internet has affected the world over the corse of time. Or the use of various case studies and the development of solutions to each case study could help students come up with a means on how to improve communication for society.

Have students read an article that talks about a woman being found after 8 days through her phone records.Also use an example of non-communication with the phone. Parents now have the opportunity to know where the phone is at any time. A parent could make it less overt by just asking to use a camera conversation.
There is no privacy. There are news where ATT handed over all its communications to authorities. Since everything is bits and bites, it may be accessible by any human or even worse, by a computer program.
This should lead to some interesting discussions.

The Privacy Activity will be the major part of the lesson that has the students engaged in understanding the objectives. Too many times when you approach this subject, students think that teachers are just “preaching to them” and do not understand social media.

I am definitely showing the Snap Chat video as a resource. I plan on explaining that if something seem to be amazing to secure privacy using technology, it may be too good to be true. Nothing will be permanently deleted using technology, so it is better not to post/send information that you would be embarrassed about or may harm your reputation all together. Now I am “preaching” again.

There are numerous examples of photos shared in social media of students holding a sign stating they were doing an experiment to see how fast the photo would be shared and how often. To make this more “concrete” I thought perhaps a single student could be given a notepad and be told to keep one sheet (representing one picture or statement made by them), then break the rest of the notepad into 3 or 4 parts and hand them to 3 or 4 classmates (“friends”) Each of those students would be instructed to do the same, and so on until just about everyone has been given a sheet of the notepad. Then tell the original student to destroy his/her sheet. Ask the class if the photo has been “destroyed”? Is there any way you could be sure that all copies of the photo were destroyed? why or why not? Then share with them articles of people interviewed and having their social network pages viewed by prospective employers. If the photo is missing from your page, could they access the photo by visiting one of your friend’s pages? Lots of room for discussion with this one that hopefully will make them more aware of how permanent a post becomes!

In addition to videos I would ask students to create a Facebook post stating “My teacher has given me an assignment to see how many likes I can get” and they will discuss results.

When referencing Internet Security, Identity Theft, Cyberbullying, “Big Brother is watching” with the offset of Social Media such as "askfm, SnapChat, Twitter, Instagram, Periscope, and the Internet with my students, we discuss "Did you want that to be shared, stored on an external server/computer and longevity from your teenage years until you have left this earth. Many of my students then reflect on what they want Social Media to say about them. A resource that I have used are court cases and present events in our world.

Students may know better about social media than adults. I think it’s a good opportunity to talk about the ethics of using social media. I’ll use the THINK acronym “True, Helpful, Inspiring, Necessary and Kind” as a journal question to initiate the classroom discussion.