We are excited to announce updates for the 2019-2020 curriculum based on teacher feedback. Overall, the changes are minimal, but we would like to highlight a few key differences:
Unit 1 - The Internet
Chapter Assessment Refreshed
A question in the end of unit assessment was updated in response to feedback.
Unit 4 - Big Data and Privacy
Lesson 1: What is Big Data?
Added in a short video to the warm up as a counterpoint to the “Big data is better data” video.
Lesson 2: Finding Trends with Visualizations
An additional Check Your Understanding data question was added to this lesson which previously appeared in the Post-AP section. This was a late change to the CSP 2018 curriculum.
Lesson 6: The Cost of Free
The articles in the “Extended Learning” section were refreshed, adding in additional Pro-Privacy articles to provide a balanced view. Some of the older articles were swapped out for current news. New text was added to the section to encourage teachers to seek their own articles for discussion and share those in the forum.
Lesson 8: Encryption with Keys and Passwords
An additional Check Your Understanding data question was added to this lesson which previously appeared in the Post-AP section.
Optional: Data Questions
A series of data questions was moved from the Post-AP Chapter 1 assessment to Unit 4 as an optional exercise. This assessment is no longer designed for summative use, but as a classroom exploration into the types of data questions that may show up on the exam. We wanted students to be exposed to these questions before the exam.
I can’t find the access to the 2019-2020 site. Can you tell me how to access it? I received a notification that it was live, but I can’t find it anywhere. Thanks.
CSP '19-'20 should now be the default curriculum. If you navigate to the course on Code Studio, take a look at the URL. If it contains csp-2019 you are in the current version. Alternatively, on the course page look at the top right of the screen where there is a version dropdown. Here you can also select the version of the course you would like to explore.
I noticed there will be updated units with a redesign for the 2020-21 school year which is when I will be teaching this class for my first time. When do you think I can select that curriculum so I can start planning.
The curriculum updates will be available for all teachers in late May. In January, Code.org sent the ‘final’ version of the curriculum to College Board. CB in turn reads through it and does the audit - making sure that the new curriculum aligns to the new framework, exam, performance tasks, etc. In March (ish) Code.org will revise - based on CB’s feedback - and resubmit any items/tweaks as necessary. Unfortunately this is a long process, but hopefully that will give you some time over the summer to plan specifics. Good luck teaching your first year of CSP!
Hello! Is there an update on this? With the school closures, I have more time to prep for next year. Is there at least a set of Release Notes describing the changes, so I will know which units and lessons are changing the least? Also, is there a date in May when the new curriculum will be available?