My district is planning on rolling out AP CS P next year and using the curriculum. I just started going through it using a teacher account and a student account side by side. I noticed that the Activity Guide for Unit 1 Lesson 2 on the teacher account (Binary Message Devices) is different from the resources in the student account (Sending Binary Messages). The sheets are very similar, but not the same.
I was considering having the students open the forms and submit them via Google classroom to save paper, but if the forms are different then what I am preparing for this could be problematic.
Thanks for reaching out. You should be seeing the same thing for both a students and a teacher account. However it sounds like the issue might be that you were looking at the old curriculum in one and the new curriculum in the other. We are currently in the process of doing some reordering and improvements to the curriculum in response to the great feedback we got from teachers. The links for the old and the new version are slightly different so its a good thing to check. For unit 1 for instance: