This is my first year teaching AP Computer Science. I need clarification on the curriculumn and the website.
Are there any rubrics related to the lessons? I did not see any. I may have missed it. I am on Unit 1 - Lesson 3.
My students have signed up on They all are getting the teacher screen instead of the student screen. It shows them the lesson plans, resources, etc. How do I fix it? How do I see their work? Are they to use for the assignments?
Hello Jeffries!
Your students should sign up for their account by going to and replace YOURSECTION with the code of the section you created for them in your Dashboard, under
Create a section
Add a new classroom section
Hope this helps!
Hello @shirron_jeffries, There are rubrics for projects, but not for daily lessons. Generally you can check student understanding and progress by looking at their work in the check for understanding levels or the purple levels in each lesson. (Not all lessons have purple levels.) You should be able to see the exemplar assessments through the teal menu on the right side of your page which may help as you think about what to assess. I generally give qualitative feedback on a level or two each lesson, and use the rubrics in the projects as my more formative/summative assessments. Sometimes I’ll look at a rubric ahead of time for an end of unit project, and use rows of it in targeted places throughout the unit so that when they get to the project they’ve already gotten feedback on the exact rows in that rubric.
Regarding your teacher screen anomaly, this is weird to me! I would definitely make sure that they are in your class first, and that your class is set up for students rather than for professional learning (which will assume all the participants are faculty members).
When a teacher has a verified account, they should see the teal pop up on the right side of the window, and all check for understanding levels should have a teal box with the answers and explanation below. Does this appear for your students as well? I might consider taking a screenshot and sharing with or sending them the list of email addresses of your students.
Greetings @shirron_jeffries and congratulations on beginning your first year as a CS teacher! I wanted to piggy-back off of what the previous posters had suggested and to recommend you also check out one of our self-paced professional learning modules for CSP– specifically Unit 2, which gives a quick overview of the platform itself, how to create sections and add students to them, and some of the ins and outs of assessment.
This forum is a great place to get a quick assist on some of the more pressing questions that pop up, so I’m glad you’re here.
Best of luck to you as you take the first steps down what promises to be a rich and fulfilling journey!