Just wanted to know how others are using JOURNALS in their classroom. I have my students write a Journal Entry for every MAKE lesson. I want them to write about how and why they write code. I tell them they are writing notes to themselves (in their journals), to explain their code. I also have them copy/paste their code into their journal. Journal Entry Unit 4 Lesson 8 Conditionals Make.docx (133.8 KB)
I have attached a copy of my journal entry here for you to look at and offer feedback. I paste this journal entry into Google Classroom so students can have a model as to what their journal entries should look like.
Is anyone doing something similar? Please share how you do it in your classroom.
This is a good idea. Students tend to struggle a little when they get to the Make assignments. My journal use is very simple. I have my students answer the lesson prompts in a word document that they turn in at the end of each unit. They can also use them as a review guide before the unit assessment.
It’s my first time teaching this course. Can someone share their AP CSP Journal set up with me? There is one in resources, but the link is not working. I plan on using the Google classroom. Thanks in advance.