New Journal / Interactive Notebook Feature

Hi folks,
I am wondering how teachers are incorporating the new notebook included with Unit1 Lesson 2. Are you assigning for homework? Wrap up at the end of the lesson? Do you have students do it electronically or in a binder of some sort? I would love to know what works with your students. I was not very successful last year (my first year teaching ap) with implementing a consistent notebook. Any tips would be appreciated.

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Hi @cedgar,

Thanks for starting this conversation! Journaling has always been a big part of the CSP philosophy, but up until now I don’t think there has really been any guidance on how to make that happen. In the past, I think I’ve taken for granted that students know how to take notes or process the lesson in some way, and that isn’t always the case. I just had a conversation with the department chairs at my school and the English/Social Studies chairs in particular were recognizing just how much time taking notes can take in a class on a daily basis! (In addition to teaching how to take notes!)

All of that to say I’m thinking of these as a tool for helping students process what is happening in the moment. The journal/interactive notebook is one tool I can give them to scaffold that synthesis. I have found that modeling the use of the notebook for a few class periods can be really helpful, because it helps students know when and how to interact with it. l also find myself saying throughout the year, “If you feel good about topic X, try answering question Y on the notebook doc” or simply “If you haven’t jotted anything down on section X, take a breather and write down your thoughts from the past few minutes”. None of these things are silver bullets or sure fire ways to make sure students use the notebooks… but maybe they’ll give you some things to start playing with this next week?

I’d love to hear if you find something that works for you!


This tool has been very helpful for my students. I have several with EIP’s that are more focused because the slides contain the questions and vocabulary for each level of the lesson. It also allows me to make quick check-ins with the students by asking them to share a slide or two with me.

I also appreciate that all the lessons for each Unit are contained in one slide deck. This helps some students stay organized and help them find vocabulary and essential concepts when preparing for an assessment.


Hi @cedgar, the practice of having students take quality notes is definately one that many teachers wrestle with as articulated by @madeline_r_burton. In my CSA course I have printed out the guided notes and extra practice questions for my students and put them in a spiral notebook. You can see more details in this post. The students tell me that this helps them with staying focused during lectures and getting the important information on to paper. I’m sure it will work with CSP as well.

Has anyone found the Journal answer keys?

There are Exemplars posted in each lesson plan.

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