Codeprint - other options for the Create Task?

My tech department will not unblock codeprint access for students. Here is their response “We block the domain *.io, it is the wildwest for the internet and contains many bad things. The site will remained blocked.”
Should I just have students copy and paste their code into a Word Doc and then save as a PDF?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Working with tech departments can be challenging. If you want to push a bit, I would probably explain it to my admin and see what type of progress they can make.

But, if not, you are entirely right - copying and pasting to a word doc and printing to PDF would work just fine! Just make sure students have the oval and rectangle over a portion of the code.

Sorry you’re running into some resistance!

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I just saw this- but in case someone needs this in the future I made a short video to show how to make nicely formatted code in Word and print it as a .pdf.

Format Code in Word
Make a pdf in word
Use snipping tool to grab image


Thank you, this is really helpful!

Before code print I had my students copy the code, paste it into Word, change the font Courier New (easier to read), add the oval and rectangle and save it as a pdf. Works well just no colors.