Is there any chance to have conditionals any time soon in Play Lab?
I am being pressured a lot by my students to have that missing block since it is a big limit to the play lab.
Many thanks,
Is there any chance to have conditionals any time soon in Play Lab?
I am being pressured a lot by my students to have that missing block since it is a big limit to the play lab.
Many thanks,
We have a small number of conditionals already in play lab (enough to check points and make levels increase or see if a player has won the game.) Unfortunately, the way Play Lab is currently constructed, there are some limitations on what blocks can be combined.
We have some exciting conditionals coming in Courses D & E (ex: if actor 1 x position > 1; if actor 2 is happy). Unfortunately, they dissapear in Course F after for
loops are introduced, since the two don’t work together in this system.