Course C bugs and suggestions

Stage 2 (Problem 10) - For this multiple choice problem students click the answer and it does not advance them to the next problem. Also, I would suggest not providing them a choice of “I don’t know”. I am suggesting this because if they do choose that answer they are still able to advance with a solid green. But, it gives no explanation of the correct answer.

Another issue I have seen with the same problem is that it does not allow them to select an answer. Usually, students have to refresh the page before they are able to select.

Thank you for the feedback!

On this level type, the student does need to click “Run” to actually see the program run and then the feedback comes up. Are you finding that there’s not enough guidance to let students know that they need to click run first? Or are you seeing that even after they click run that it’s not advancing?

In the cases where students have to refresh the page, did you happen to notice any patterns on when this was happening?


Yes, I do feel that there is enough guidance. But, it seems to be the students who do not read the questions that are having that issue.

Related question/observation: as students check the wrong answer it does indicate that it is wrong. But, if they chose to advance to the next problem the circle is the dark green shade (indicating that it was right.

I will pay more attention to see if I notice any patterns, thanks.

I agree that the ‘I don’t know’ response seems to entice my students to pick it because they then can get to the next level and they get a solid green. I, as a teacher, cannot tell that they picked that answer and did not actually debug the problem.

I was wondering in Course C, stage 12 (Creative Play Lab) how a the coder knows how many pixels to move the actor? For example, in puzzle 4 the dog needs to move to the cat and the block has 25 pixels. You would need the hint to know to move the dog 100 pixels. Am I missing something? I was not sure how to teach my students how many pixels to move something when there is no grid on the background. I think this concept is extremely hard and especially hard for a 2nd grade student.

Great question.

This puzzle is an example of one where students should be free to mess around. They should not worry about “getting it right the first time” but rather deducing answers based off of the feedback that they get from the program. This is a very important skill in computer science.

For those students who are simply too frustrated to keep going until they discover a working number (anything over 100 will do) the hint has the specifics.

Happy Coding!

At the moment, the green bubble is filling in no matter what a student picks. This is currently an engineering issue and it’s related to the fact that students get the success sound and the puzzle solves, no matter what was selected. Our engineers are working on a fix to give a sound that corresponds to the success or failure of the answer decision, rather than the puzzle solution, and this should fix the bubble issue as well. At which time, the “I don’t know.” answer will be marked as not correct.

Keeping the “I don’t know” option allows us to see whether students are trying to figure these out, or just trying to get through. It also helps us see whether a student believes that they are picking something that will work, or if they’ve given up. Our hope is that this data will help us make the stages better.

Thanks for your feedback!

Stage 5 #6 reorder the code so it works. i have several students who placed the code into repeat blocks and then had 1 gray block left over that they code not delete. They were worried that they would not pass to the next problem. We tried and they did. maybe, if the idea here is to use the blocks and rearrange them so they work, remove the repeat block from the ‘blocks’ area so the cannot choose it.

This isn’t a problem, this is fantastic!

If students are experimenting and finding better ways to solve the puzzle, that’s ideal. We certainly don’t expect it until we’ve taught loops, though, so that’s why the blocks are presented the way they are.

Sounds like your class is doing a great job.