Earth Science Challenge #1

I chose to add a third pump, not because I’m a slacker, which I am, but because I was having trouble copying code and was adding blocks individually. It made me mad and I was determined to figure out why my copying wasn’t working. It turns out that it WAS working, I just didn’t scroll over and see the copies. Sheesh.

Click here to see my code.

I created three pumps. This was a difficult challenge but I did have my students try this project so I wanted to give it a try. I struggled with getting all of the pieces of the code put together. I don’t feel that I necessarily need help with anything else I just need spend more time working with it.

I chose adding a third pump. I struggle with making the three pump work with the different widgets.

I added another pump

I have added a 3rd pump, with a graph and data boxes. I chose this challenge because I have never completed this lesson before, so I thought the “easy” challenge would be best. It still took quite a lot of time to get through the lesson. I had the biggest challenge with getting the line graph to work. I had to use the YouTube tutorial to help me figure out the problem.

Which challenge question did you chose, and why?
I chose to complete the easy water pump challenge. I chose this challenge because I did not spend a lot of time practicing in the earth science modules and therefore felt like I was starting at the beginning again.

URL for public link.

What did you struggle with most?
I struggled with figuring out how to populate the data boxes with numbers representing water pumped by each pump. The directions were not very detailed on page 36 of module 2 for this and I was not able to figure it out.

Is there anything else you still need help with?
Yes! How to do this part from page 36, module 2:
●Next, add the code that will initialize the values of these data boxes, then increment (or
increase) the value anytime an agent interacts with the pump.
● Where do we initialize the values? [in the setup]
● Where do we increment the values? [in the “pump” procedure]

Hi Jordan- this video might help you with the data collection code:

Project GUTS facilitator

  1. I chose the easy challenge because I haven’t actually worked with this model before (in our PD we worked with the greenhouse gas model). I added a second pump.
  3. I struggled with getting the second pump to have the same groundwater movement as the first pump. I tried making a new procedure (groundwater movement 2) but it ended up affecting the movement of the groundwater in the first pump.
  4. I still need help getting the water around the second pump to move in the same manner as the water around the first pump.
  1. I wanted to revisit and review the basics since it had been awhile since I had looked at this module.
  2. Remembering the order of procedures.
  3. More practice.
  1. I did the easy challenge. I still don’t have much confidence.
  3. I didn’t struggle much with this challenge (a miracle!) although my computer didn’t want to cooperate with copying and pasting.
  4. I am feeling rusty since I haven’t worked on a module in a while and haven’t worked with this particular module before.

I chose the easy challenge question because I have not spent much time on this module. In fact, I probably only learned a bit about it last summer.

I struggled with just copying and pasting it for a while. Once I did that then I couldn’t move the entire evaporation block. I hope the rest of the modules are easier for me than this was. I would not feel comfortable teaching this module and would definitely need more time studying this module.

Here is the URL:

I took the easy challenge and created a second pump. Pretty straight forward.

The user is able to change the amount of initial water.

I chose the medium difficulty project. I did not want to just cut and paste but exercise more skills. Will try the harder challenge when I have more time. The URL is Having taught this model to my students, I did not struggle with constructing this one.

I chose the easy challenge because I haven’t gotten to spend much time with this program this year and am not comfortable enough with it to really master the more difficult challenges. I struggle with remembering where to find everything, but this one didn’t give me too much trouble. Once I found the project and read some comments, I was able to pick up where I left off and complete the challenge fairly quickly.
I still need help with cutting and pasting. I did the water pump module.

I chose the middle challenge, adding pollution to the pump and giving it the same movement as the water. I chose this because I thought it would be an engaging real-world connection for my students. Also I wanted to challenge myself with Starlogo Nova, within the time I have available for this activity.

I struggled the most with my technology. I attempted this away from home and did not have my bluetooth mouse with me. It was difficult to drag, copy and paste code. I had many 0 socket errors or code just not working as expected. In the end it was easier to start over with my better mouse. This was a good experience, because I have experienced what my students will experience at times.

I don’t feel I need more help at this time. Thanks for asking!

I chose the easy challenge. I’ve been struggling with decoding. My project is located at

I have a lot of problems when there’s an “error” (such as empty socket). When I got this error the last time, it took me over 30 minutes to realize that one of my blocks didn’t attach all the way. There needs to be a better way of decoding so as to not frustrate the students (let alone us as instructors).

I selected challenge question #2. I added a patch of polluted ground - when the water comes into contact with it the water molecules turn black and are counted in a data box.
Nothing really. I adapted an earlier version of the water pump project so it was fairly simple to add the pollution.

I chose the easy challenge because I have not practiced much with this challenge.

I had a hard time spacing the pumps. I would need more time with this model if I was going to teach it with my students. It seems like a tough one!