Exploring Computer Science PD: Preparing for in-person PD #2

# Forum Introductions In our online PD you will have many opportunities to connect with other teachers through a forum. Take this opportunity to introduce yourself by sharing the same information that each of the facilitators shared on the previous level. In your first post take a minute and introduce yourself by sharing your teaching background and any hobbies or pastimes you enjoy! STEP 1: To get started, click on "Continue Discussion" below to be taken to the forum page. Click the "Reply" button under the previous introduction posts to add your own. STEP 2: Come back later and read new posts and respond to someone else's post by clicking on "post a response" to go to the forum page, then clicking "reply" on the comment you wish to reply to.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://studio.code.org/s/ECSPD-iZone/stage/6/puzzle/2
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I’ve been teaching technology classes for 14 years at a NYC public high school on Staten Island. Included In my mix of classes taught have been IB Informational Technology in a Global Society and IB Computer Science. Prior to teaching, I was a programmer/analyst and web site developer for years. My technical and problem solving skills are strong but as a teacher, I’m always looking for new teaching and motivational approaches.

My hobbies are piano, gardening, painting, cooking, hiking, rollerblading and a variety of other sports.

Hi. I have been teaching Science at a NYC Middle School for 14 years. I have not taken computer science classes,but I am very excited to about this course and learning so I can bring this exciting new knowledge to my students

Hi. I have been teaching Middle School Science for 28 years in Staten Island. The last coding class I took was in college (1984) and the was Pascal. I am looking forward to coming into the present and moving my students into the future.

My hobbies are yoga, cooking, and taking care of my pets ( 1 snake, 8 turtles, 5 bearded dragons, 2 fat tailed geckos,1 anole lizard, and 1 cockatiel.)

Testing testing testing

You have a wealth of knowledge to offer the students from your prior years experience. Add that to your 14 years of teaching (especially in a NYC PHS) and all I can say is “you got it going on” particularly with ECS curriculum and active learning rotations.

For the past decade I have taught middle school, high school and university level in urban schools. I served as an Adjunct professor teaching a multi-disciplinary curriculum for new teachers as well as a Special Education teacher in the New York City Public Schools in the Bronx. During my tenure I have taught math, science, and humanities, as well as assumed numerous leadership positions both in and outside of school. I am able to work across content areas, grades, and differences in pedagogy to provide the best educational experience for my students. I pride myself on the community within my classroom. My belief in constant learning led me to serve as an instructor for a GED preparation high school in conjunction with the City University of New York Research Foundation, helping adults earn their GED. In each of the varying roles I’ve held, I seek feedback and opportunities to challenge myself.

Some of my hobbies and pastimes are being a family man. Enjoying and living an active lifestyle. Bike rides on the weekends and cooking for my family and friends.

Hi. I have been teaching mathematics at the high school level for 13 years on Staten Island. I am interested in teaching Computer Science because the two fields are so closely related and the curriculum offers a hands on approach to mathematical concepts as well as answering the age old question of “when are we ever going to use this in life?”

My favorite pastime is watching my one year old son grow older and discover new things every day. This adds to my excitement of computer science since everything is so technologically connected these days. My other hobbies include working out and spending time with friends.

I look forward to making new connections through this program.

I have been a teacher for 29 years and have taught web design and Microsoft certification for the past ten years. I have also taught adjunct at CUNY and am very excited to be part of this course as I want to work on creating a more rigorous curriculum and teach coding.

My hobbies are gardening, traveling and reading.

My Name is Carl and I’ve been teaching mathematics for 10 years.

I’m interested in computers and have taught a couple of computer related classes using the Digital Literacies curriculum.

My hobbies are following the NBA and learning about web technologies.

Hello, My name is Elena Dhima and I currently teach Math in a HS in Midtown NY. I love surfing the net and finding anything interesting to read or watch (TED talks are my favorite). I enjoy live music and go to a concert or show every chance I get.

Excited to meet you all here.

I also teach at a HS in SI, New Dorp. Where are you teaching? It would be great if we could collaborate at times.

My name is Christine Cortes and I have been teaching at New Dorp HS in Staten Island for 8 years. I have taught a variety of subjects, including Spanish, Entrepreneurship, Career & Financial Management and Intro. to Computer Applications. I hold teaching licenses in Business & Marketing, Spanish and Social Studies. I am looking forward to infusing Computer Science into my existing curriculum for Career & Financial Management in Forensic Science & Criminology,

My interests include volunteering for anything in which my 5 year old daughter is involved.

I have been teaching for fifteen years. I taught business and mathematics and last year I taught a computer science class.

My name is Sai. I have been teaching in the NYC public school for the last 13 years and I signed up for the Blended LEarning Institute this summer. Looking forward to it as i always wanted to learn some programing.


My name is Michael Rushford and I have been teaching at New Dorp HS on Staten Island for the past eleven. I teach mathematics and have never taught a computer science programming before. I look forward to learning the curriculum and making it a part of my daily schedule. I also love the idea that I can give my students another content area that will help them later in their educational journey.

Bonnie Lestz
Teaching & Professional Experience: I have been teaching science at John Adams HS in Queens for 9 years now. I started out teaching Living Environment, have taught Nutrition and Anatomy, and most recently Science Research. I am also the director of a small learning community at JAHS, and am building our STEM program.

Hobbies: I have always been an avid reader, the TV is usually on in the background of most of what I do at home, and a radio soundtrack for as much of the rest of life as possible. I have some fairly typical “geek” interests, Star Wars, Star Trek (the original primarily), The Big Bang Theory, not to mention my newest obsession of about a year, Ingress - if you’re not familiar and you look it up & sign up on my recommendation, you must join the :blue_heart: Resistance :blue_heart: , please! :wink: I like to be girly and play with shoes :high_heel:, purses :purse:, and jewelry :ring:. I am trying hard to be more active :runner:, something I find easier to do while traveling :airplane: on much deserved vacation :sunrise:!

Experience with ECS: None so far, but I did host a school-wide Hour of Code last year where four classes of students were trained on the Code.org website. They in turn acted as facilitators when for four days in December the auditorium was turned into a giant laptop lab for whole classes to engage with the Hour of Code!

I’ve been teaching math at a HS on the UWS for seven years. I double majored in math and computer science in undergrad, but haven’t done much with computer science since then. I’m excited to be bringing comp sci to my school!

My name is Alicia. I teach at Olympus Academy in Brooklyn! I’ve been teaching English for 10 years.


  • Reading
  • Cooking
  • Being a rockin’ educator
  • Take care of my super cute cats…
  • Have been social worker/college counselor and mathematics teacher for 24 years, on the Lower East Side (NYC) and Brooklyn
  • Originally trained in computer engineering.
  • Very Very excited about “coming back to my roots” to teach students computer science. Didn’t even know there was a computer science curriculum for high school students.
  • Hobbies: Drumming and Dancing.