General Discussion for Stage 2

Use this thread to discuss your questions and comments about the content of the stage.

I do not see the View Data button on my screen in the Post-AP material. Do I need to do something to get access to this?

I’m checking into this.

Hi Crystal,

Where are you not seeing the Data button? I’m looking at Stage 2 Level 3 for the post AP Materials and I see the Data button. It should look something like below. Are you not seeing that?




I have been so impressed with the quality of the materials on for CSP. This curriculum made this first year SO MUCH easier and fun too!

I am super excited about the post-AP unit since we are in school until the end of June! This post-AP unit doesn’t look quite as polished, which is understandable, since it’s new. Is this a good place to post inconsistencies we notice?

For example, the one Crystal pointed out…the description and even the embedded video shows the button as “View Data”, but we only see a “Data” button. Also, the initial database window looks different than in the video (no “Edit” button to edit the database…instead we click on the entry name to edit).

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Also, in lesson 6, there is reference to other songs being in the database (MJ, Oasis, etc.) in the words and in the embedded video. I do not see these records, however.

Is there a rubric for this task?

@edanderson @silversh Thanks for pointing out those inconsistencies! This certainly is isn’t as polished as the rest of the course, but WOW does it offer a lot of jumping off points for students! With so many students obsessed with making games, almost all students can make a database for their games here which is a nice extension for something that students already care about.

I will forward these inconsistencies onto the team!

Also, I’d love to see what your students create independently with the database unit, if you’re willing to share!

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@edanderson also check out this one pager about the data side of AppLab. I did a bit of this with my students before the AP test since we had a bit of extra time. The example apps were really helpful for students since it forced them to read and make sense of code examples to be able to adapt them to their own programs.

The examples at the bottom of the sheet might be helpful for your students in addition to what is on the dashboard.


My students just got started, but I will forward some of their creations as they finish.

Other Corrections:
Lesson 2, puzzle 11 refers to an event for the “createContactButton” (words and in the video), but the button is actually “saveContactBtn”

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It was confusing to me too because it said to hit the View Data button not just Data and it had an icon that was not there either.

My students are working on the Post-AP unit Stage 2, lessons 2 & 3, but it ins’t working for them. The database table is not generated and they are not able to create their own table. It all works fine on my teacher account.

Hi - sorry you’re running into issues with this. I just sent you a private message to help resolve this issue. Thanks!