Hey. Just received the email promoting Hour of code. When I put in the zip code for our school in Pennsylvania, it comes up California.
Maybe it’s Google’s fault.
I had the same problem with the zip code so I left it out and just entered my school’s name.
Hey @brook or @baker and crew. Every year I sign up for the Hour of Code and either don’t receive the posters or receive them really late. My two co-workers already have theirs. What am I doing wrong? Can someone forward this message to the organizers? Thanks!
@carmichaelc I have the same question about the posters. I send a message to code team, so an answer should be coming shortly.
@carmichaelc looking into it.
@baker Pass on to Marketing - Coworker sent them to his home if that helps. tanczosm@eastonsd.org
I had 125 AP CSP and CS students go around our school to classrooms for the Hour of Code. Feedback from them was the classes wanted something less elementary. Which Hour of Code do you recommend? Thanks!
I had a list of different activities the students could pick from to work on. I showed them different ones from code.org: artist, APP Lab, minecraft, the courses. Some students did the hour of code on Khan Academy and some started a course on codecademy.