How do we add images to a student created data set?

I have a student who made their own data set in app lab. Part of their data set is image urls from wikipedia. When they are coding the app the image will not output in the app. How do we add images to a dataset?


Here is documentation for images, please refer the student to that.

Please note that in accordance with the College Board’s guidelines for AP CS Principles Exam, we limit the debugging assistance we provide from March through the submission deadline for the Create Task.

From page 14 of the CB’s student handouts:

“you may not seek assistance in writing, revising, amending, or correcting your work, including debugging the program, writing or designing functionality in the program, testing the program, or making revisions to the program, from anyone other than your collaborative partner(s). "

Please verify this project is not part of a student’s Create Task for AP CS Principles.

If it is, we can only verify whether there is a technical issue with the platform causing the bug. If it is not, we are happy to help locate the bug and provide guidance on fixing it!

Thank you!

Thank you for the reply. The documentation reminder helped!