Image Citing - Where


I know images need to be cited, however, where do the students cite the images? Is it under the image? If a student uses a data set (not from, do they cite the webpage? There used to be a spot on the written sheet for citing purposes.

Thank you

Hi @lbarish ,

Students should make citations as comments in the code.

Per the task directions, page 14, students must:

Thank you for getting back to me. I do have another question that I posted in the Forum, but I’ll ask you anyway.

My students are working on their Create PT. They should be finished next week. We have Units 7, 9, and 10 yet to complete. There is no way we will finish it prior to the time of the written exam. I also want to give them a practice exam (how do I get one with the answers). Anyway, out of the 3 units, I will have to skip one. Do you have a suggestion?

Thank you
Linda Barish