Multiple Scripts for App Lab

for the app lab, can you create multliple scripts (I believe that is what we call them)/tabs so that your work is a little neater/more organized? Thanks!

Hi @ksnickell,

I hope I understand your question. You are asking if there are multiple tabs for App Lab code? No, there is one tab for design, and one tab for data (to create your own table of data), and just one tab for code. So yes, for a complex program, it can be many lines. It is a good teaching/learning opportunity with students for thinking about organization (for example: all global variables at the top and functions at the bottom) as well as quality comments.

Hope that answered your question,

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Greetings @ksnickell,

While @melynn is correct about multiple scripts (in the same project isn’t possible) “technically” there is a way to extend certain functionality by using libraries of CDO by simply incooperating functions that shouldn’t be in the main script you can cut down on the amount of bloat your main file is displaying which I believe suit what your looking for.
Though you should note that all libraries have a limit on how much they can store until it’s no longer publishable so if it’s too large you can break it into other libraries.

Hope this helps