I know I can not advise my students on this issue regardless (and we have discussed it multiple times before starting the task, while reading through the rubric and looking at exemplars).
However I can see a couple of my students have not included the oval or rectangle and instead have used a screenshot (or copied and pasted) code without showing the rectangle/oval.
My question is does this automatically remove the point from them?
I am asking this also as I am going to give them a grade (after the deadline and even after the AP Exam) for their Create PT, as an internal assessment.
My students have had trouble with this too.
I think it’s fair to give general instructions to the class, an overall reminder that the instructions state to put the oval/rectangle, and show an example of what this looks like done properly (perhaps from one of the student samples from code.org material). Clarifying instructions is fair game. Stopping the task to give general class instruction is fair game. You are not providing individual feedback for any student. What you shouldn’t do is approach individual students and tell them “hey you need to put your oval around your code”.
I can’t say whether they’ll lose the point (although some graders from previous years might tell you whether they did or not in the past), but regardless I’d get the students to do it however fairly possible since you never know how they’ll be grading this year.
A student can definitely lose the point for row 5:
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
● the code segment consisting of the selected algorithm is not included
in the written responses section or is not explicitly identified in the
program code section;
and row 7:
Do NOT award a point if any one of the following is true:
● the code segment consisting of the abstraction is not included in the
written responses section or is not explicitly identified in the program
code section
Reminding the class is always a good idea!