Hi all! This is my first year teaching APCSP and I am not sure if I am on pace. My class is currently on Unit 6 L12 and I plan on finishing Unit 6 this week. My goal is to finish the curriculum and create task by April 15th to leave a month of review. What Unit and Lesson is your class on?
Hi @isaac.ishak,
Sounds like you’re making good progress! I clicked “View Calendar” on the recommended pacing guide on the website:
It shows that the lesson you are finishing should fall somewhere around the middle of Week 3 of this unit (based on 225 minutes of instructional time per week / 45 minutes per day for 5 days):
The other units had these recommended times:
- Unit 1: 3 weeks
- Unit 2: 2 weeks
- Unit 3: 2 weeks + 1 day
- Unit 4: 3 weeks + 1 day
- Unit 5: 2 weeks
So based on this (admittedly very rough) layout, your target time to hit this content is the middle of week 15. Factoring in Thanksgiving, Christmas/winter break, and other holidays, it sounds to me like you’re making a good pace. When did your school year start? Some states begin mid-August, but others don’t begin until after Labor Day.
–Michael K.
Thank you! I also calculated that Unit 6 is around Week 15. My school started mid August so we are currently in our 19th Week of school, which is why I was concerned
Gotcha. If it makes you feel any better, teachers in the past have reported that the pacing guides in this curriculum tend to be on the optimistic side.
Unit 7 is given 2 weeks + 1 day, and Unit 8 is given about 3 weeks. Unit 9 is the Create Task prep & Unit 10 is 1 week. Even if you did Unit 10 before Create, that still has you starting the PT well before mid-April if you keep everything else on pace (even factoring in Spring Break).
I hope working backwards through the units to figure out timing helps!
I am giving my Unit 6 exam today. According to my notes, this is within a couple of days of where I have been for the last couple of years and I usually finish everything by early April.
Note: I do spend A LOT of time on the hack-a-thon, which I modified and use for the create task.