Phase 3 Implementation Planning

What did you realize while you were completing your implementation document?

  • Are there any areas where you feel completely ready and confident?
  • Are there any areas where you could use more time and experience?
  • Is there anywhere that you could use extra help from
  • How did this time feel compared to the last time that you worked with the
    implementation document?

Take some time to read over responses from others and see if you can contribute anything positive to their experience. Remember, if you help your cohorts, there is a greater chance that they will be able to help you, as well!

  • I’m not teaching any computer science or STEM classes this year.
  • I feel ready and confident to teach computer modeling due to the in-person trainings that we’ve had already.
  • I could use more time and experience coding in general, but only once I know that I’m teaching that subject material again.
  • Not at present, thank you.
  • This time was pretty much the same.

I don’t feel completely ready or confident in any area. I think I just need more practice and time to feel comfortable. There isn’t any extra help needed from Code. I feel the time was about the same.

I am ready for teaching the content, getting the kids started, and basic debugging.

Since I am having difficulty getting some simulations to work - and I don’t know if it is my coding or the web browser, or SLN creating the difficulty, I will have a backup, non-tech activity.

The document is a useful organization tool, getting me to unpack the requirements before I plunge into the activities.

I don’t feel super confident or ready in any area, but I am beginning with my students and we are working through this together!
I can use more time and experience in all areas, but I don’t think that will come from training or an online course. I think it is a matter of working with the code and working with my students.
The face-to-face meetings have been valuable. I feel good talking out issues with other teachers and working through the material to gain their insight and perspectives.

I realized that I feel confident in showing the real-world application to my students. I could use more time and experience working on differentiating the lessons to allow my students’ full comprehension. I feel more comfortable this time in comparison with last time.

I have started introducing StarLogo Nova to my kids, we did the real and virtual simulation activity on Walk and Turn, I am ready to roll just letting them know the basics. I think my confidence level is not high enough to try the modules to my kids.
I think you have enough onine help for me, it is just on my end that needs more practice coding.
I spend more time on these since I have to try/work on 3 modules.
Compare from last time; I guess I improved a few millimeters away.

be in touch if you need anything! I’ll keep my eye out for any posts that request help.

Paige- Project GUTS facilitator

This week, I have started implementing module 1. I have noticed that my students need more guidance in completing Lesson 2. I had to give a lot more guidance to the programming pairs than I expected. My greatest challenge is editing the information for my English as a Second Language (ESL) students. I have found more pictures rather than text are helpful to them.

I am confident teaching it. I still feel like this is a lot for children in the middle school realm.

  1. I feel that I have a good handle on the basics of using StarLogo Nova. I feel that I can explain concepts, such as, loops, conditional statements, and collisions.
  2. Executing the participatory activities has been a problem. Also, some of the starter programs are more complicated to modify or explain to students.
  3. I could use extra help with teaching nested if statements, terrain color initiated collisions, and using a trait to initiate changes to agents.
  4. I felt more comfortable in developing a plan to implement module 2 in my classroom.

Students really like coding.
the first activities are relatively easy to have students do.
I need to have more time and experience with coding in general – especially, with terrain colors and having agents interact with them.
it was easier to fill out because I’ve already started working with students on it.

This is exactly how I am feeling. We started before break so we will probably be starting over when we get back.

I am really excited to teach this unit. I am doing a large unit that incorporates science and art with the CS modeling. We will be doing water quality tests in science class. I will work with my social studies teacher to read a book about African villages and the struggle to dig wells (A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park). Then will we work on modeling the building of wells. We will finish up the unit by working with a ceramics studio to create water vessels to hold our water.

It should give the students a very broad understanding of water as a tremendously important resource.

I think that sometimes it is the complexity of the model that you are creating. It also can be a little buggy on chromebooks. I find that the stu dents can often figure things out.

I think it is really OK if we learn along with the st udents. They get a better u nderstand of teh collaborative process.

What did you realize while you were completing your implementation document?
I realized that I am a little more confident in teaching the beginning first module, but not as much with the actual “science” parts of the lessons

Are there any areas where you could use more time and experience?
I could use more understanding of the actual “science” behind each of the modules. I feel better about the computer science than I do about the science.

Is there anywhere that you could use extra help from
I don’t really think there’s anything specific that needs to include. I’m just not a science teacher.

Are there any areas where you feel completely ready and confident? - I am ready to teach the students the content and complete the intro activities
Are there any areas where you could use more time and experience? - I could really use more practice with the actual coding and bug fixes.
Is there anywhere that you could use extra help from - Nope, I know how to find help if I need it.
How did this time feel compared to the last time that you worked with theimplementation document? - I felt about the same this time.

I am very confident in teaching the science concepts of ecosystems and predator/prey relationship. I am not as confident teaching the computer/coding. I am hoping that I will learn the coding along with my students. We did complete most of module 1 before break and my students did enjoy it.

Personally, I know that I benfited more from the in person pd then the online pds.

  1. I feel very confident navigating with the tool and allowing students to share their work in a platform that facilitates discussion. All my students are utilizing Google Classroom and they are using this tool to place a link of their projects. It is much easier for students to share and discuss in this area.
  2. I think it will be helpful to navigate through multiple formats of the models to view and understand possible mistakes from students. The more issues/concerns I see the easier it will be for me to assist students with their final projects.
  3. I would like to have access to more images that students can utilize in their models. A link to steps on how to generate our own images would also be very helpful.
  4. This time was extremely valuable, since I have had direct experience with working with students on the implementation of the program. The experience of walking the students through these lessons and learning the places where I would need to provide extra time (focus), reteach, and provide supplemental activities – has been invaluable. The time was not wasted – but productive.