Suggestions for cumulative activities and students who need additional challenges?

Hi! I’m using CSF course 2 with my 5th graders (who are relatively new to coding but who have done HOC, etc.). It’s great so far, but (and I did not plan nearly far enough ahead) I am looking for suggestions on cumulative projects. I like the idea of having them design a game using PlayLab but it doesn’t seem to save your progress.

I am also looking for suggestions for students who need additional challenges. I love the individualized nature of but I have one student who has already completed ALL of at her old school (she’s a new student) and would love suggestions for how to keep her engaged.

Hello and thanks for your question! Code Studio is able to save student progress, but you’ll need to have your students sign in in order to do that. The recommended way to do this since you have 5th graders would be to create a section in the teacher home page and then create word or picture passwords for your students. More details on how to do that are here:

Once they have accounts, their progress will be saved. You can also direct them to or where they’ll see all the blocks the tool offers and they can make standalone projects of their choosing.

Regarding your stuent who has completed all the courses previously – awesome! Perhaps she would be engaged by a more open-ended project in Play Lab or Artist, or depending on your comfort level you could show her something like Scratch or Tynker and let her make a project there. We also have a “Beyond Hour of Code” page here that lists lots of tutorials that she could try out:

Hope that helps!

Sounds like a great problem to have :slight_smile:

Or new courses (previewing in Beta soon) will take care of all of these issues, with more project levels and end of stage extras. In the meantime, you can try visiting our Project Home Page, which will let students give their Play Lab projects a name and come back to them time and time again.

I’d also recommend trying some other tutorials, maybe from Scratch or Tynker.

~Happy Coding!

[quote=“akohler, post:1, topic:6570”]
Hi! I’m using CSF course 2 with my 5th graders (who are relatively new to coding but who have done HOC, etc.). It’s great so far, but (and I did not plan nearly far enough ahead) I am looking for suggestions on cumulative projects. I like the idea of having them design a game using PlayLab but it doesn’t seem to save your progress.

I am also looking for suggestions for students who need additional challenges. I love the individualized nature of but I have one student who has already completed ALL of at her old school (she’s a new student) and would love suggestions for how to keep her engage in her skills