Definitely a similar situation! I run an elementary computer lab. I have four Kindergarten and five 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade classes. I see each class only 45 minutes once a week. At the moment, I only do coding with the 2nd-4th. That said, with these grades, there are always other things I need to also work on, especially with 3rd and 4th. We type, work on projects I have for them in different G Suite applications and things like that. We may only get to coding once a month or so. That said, since my students log in through Google, they can access their account and work on it on their Chromebooks (I have desktops in my lab) in their classroom, at home or wherever. I wish we had more time here in the lab, but I do find the students that really love coding will work on it elsewhere. My 2nd graders log in to Google and continue their lessons straight through 4th grade - always picking up right where they left off. I do move them up to a higher lesson if I see they are really doing well.
Pienso compartir lo entendido con mis colegas, para realizar acciones necesarias para desarrollar el pensamiento computacional en los niveles básicos de educación, sugiriendo realizar muchas actividades desenchufadas.
- ¿Cuáles son sus metas para su salón de clases? ¿Cómo CS o los recursos le ayudan a alcanzar esos objetivos?
Las metas para mi salón de clases es que se trabaje el pensamiento computacional fusionada con las diferentes asignaturas; con la finalidad de inculcar el proceso de pensar un problema, descomponerlo, analizarlo, buscar patrones, etc. para que finalmente diseñen una secuencias de instrucciones o algoritmos que les ayude a solucionar el problema. De este modo aprenderán a partir del ensayo y error, siendo buscadores de sus propios aprendizajes y retroalimentación.
- ¿Qué es lo que más le entusiasma cuando se trata de implementar algunos de estos recursos?
Que el pensamiento computacional es un tema divertido para trabajar con los estudiantes, permite fusionar asignaturas y lograr aprendizajes significativos, además, desarrolla diferentes habilidades y actitudes, tanto en los docentes como en los niños y niñas.
- ¿Qué desafíos prevé al tratar de alcanzar sus metas?
Que el pensamiento computacional se basa en ensayo y error de los niños, lo cual al no cumplir inmediatamente con sus perspectivas los puede frustrar en su trabajo, sin embargo los docentes deberemos ser los alentadores en este desafío y inculcar el “Tú serás capaz de lograrlo”.
Este curso me ha ayudado a poder planificar desde lo mas sencillo pero a su vez difícil alcanzable para todos los estudiantes ya que las actividades “desconectadas” solo necesitan a la persona.
El yo aprender cada uno de los términos me permite poder enseñar a los estudiantes y crear con ellos muchas actividades que no necesitan un computador que aunque estemos en una era de tecnología no todos tienen un computador, entonces estas actividades son geniales.
Tener este recurso me permite acceder a muchos recursos que van en forma progresiva en su comprensión y complejidad.
¿Cuáles son tus objetivos para tu clase? ¿Cómo te ayudarán los recursos de ciencias de la computación o a alcanzar esos objetivos?
El objetivo para mis clases es enseñar a los estudiantes el uso de los elementos básicos de la ciencia de la computación, con la finalidad de desarrollar habilidades y conocimiento que lo lleven a desempeñarse adecuadamente en todo lo referente al lenguaje digital.
¿Qué es lo que más te entusiasma cuando se trata de implementar algunos de estos recursos?
Lo que me entusiasma es que yo aprenderé junto con los y las estudiantes, así como implementar actividades que están muy asociadas a sus intereses, lo que será muy motivador para las niñas y niños.
¿Qué desafíos prevés al tratar de alcanzar tus objetivos?
Los desafíos que visualizo es el poder integrarlo en las diferentes asignaturas, ya que se pueden implementar en todas las áreas y mientras más asignaturas se sumen a las ciencias de la computación, mayor amplitud de logros de objetivos se tendrán, por lo que contagiar a los docentes será un desafío interesante.
A través de este curso pude incorporar a las clases de tecnología del segundo ciclo de la escuela la programación en formato desconectado, muy interesante y el objetivo es que los niños se emocionen y sigan esta gran iniciativa al alcance de todos, es muy importante la difusión para que llegue a la mayor cantidad de colegios.
- Los/as estudiantes serán capaces de:
- Expresar que han notado cuando algo funciona diferente a lo esperado.
- Identificar cuál era el resultado esperado antes de que ocurriera un error.
- Determinar y describir la diferencia entre lo que se esperaba y lo que realmente sucedió en el evento de un error.) code como los alumnos aprenden y no se frustran sino basados en el error como una oportunidad
La verdad que es la primera vez que estoy trabajando con y me encuentro muy entusiasmada de aplicarlo con mis estudiantes
Nunca he enseñado con Es primera vez que Ingreso y espero aprender para poder enseñar a mis estudiantes. Al terminar mi capacitación espero tener las competencias suficientes para transmitirlas a mis alumnos.
Al igual que otros colegas esta es mi primera aproximación con, por eso muy entusiasmada aprendiendo, para poder enseñar a mis estudiantes con las adaptaciones necesarias.
¿Cuáles son los objetivos para tu clase?
Lograr llevar a cabo este curso con los estudiantes de mi escuela, motivar a mis estudiantes con las Ciencias de la computación y desarrollar habilidades del siglo XXI.
¿Cómo te ayudarán los recursos de CS de la Computación o a alcanzar esos objetivos?
Con las actividades desconectadas podré lograr que los niños y niñas comprendan los conceptos y con las actividades en línea se motiven mucho.
¿Qué es lo que más te entusiasma cuando se trata de implementar algunos de estos recursos?
Que los estudiantes tengan acceso a las CS de la computación y que trabajarán habilidades del siglo XXI.
¿Qué desafíos prevés al tratar de alcanzar tus objetivos?
El manejo de mis tiempos.
¿Qué preguntas tienes que esta comunidad podría ayudarte a responder?
Mi pregunta es ¿Cómo ha sido la experiencia de trabajar con
- What are your goals for your classroom? How will CS or resources help you meet those goals?
My goal is to use teaching CS fundamentals and coding to grades 1 to 10 online. I plan to use the curriculum and lesson plans especially the unplugged activities to teach the course. - What are you most excited about when it comes to implementing some of these resources?
To be able to teach coding to students who want to learn. The activities are so creative, and so relevant. - What challenges do you forsee in trying to meet your goals?
It’s going to be only online, so I’m going to have to get creative with pair programming and some of the unplugged activities. - What questions do you have that this community might help you answer?
Any suggestions on how to adapt this course for online teaching only?
There might be some ideas here for you. Computer Science at Home |
I have never taught coding before and am now assigned to teach a small group of students coding as an alternate class. These students all have differing experiences with coding, with a couple who have had more experience than I have, since I am just learning it as we go. The resources at have been extremely helpful - helping me to learn the basics of coding and also providing ideas, videos, and lesson plans for students.
I am eager to have the students try the lessons, but am really excited to work with the open-ended choices, such as Sprite Lab.
The biggest challenge at my school related to coding will be the difficulties we experience with old technology that does not function properly (or very quick) much of the time.
I’m not sure what level you will be teaching. Check this Courses page out to see the courses available and find what could work best for your students. If you have any questions please reach out. The more details we have about your teaching context the better we can help.
I hope you are able to resolve the technology issue, but there are many unplugged lessons available too.
I am excited to introduce my pre-k class to these concepts as they will be exploring in their kindergarten computer class. I am excited about teaching this because I know that they will be given yet another building block in making their kindergarten adventure more enjoyable. My biggest challenge is that they are ALL going to want to explore and unfortunately, we are unable to get on all their Ipads so late in the school year.
My goals for my classroom are to introduce the first steps to coding to my pre-kindergarteners. I plan to use as a way to introduce the lessons because I feel this would be very engaging to my students.
I am excited to see the progress my students make just being able to explore the program and start coding.
I foresee resources being my greatest limitation to meeting my goal. Right now, we do not incorporate technology into our classrooms for our preschoolers, so finding the resources to do so may be difficult.
One question I have for the community is has anyone tried this with developmental preschool classrooms?
Hi I’m Penny Seible teaching 5th grade in Mountlake Terrace, Washington.
My goal is to introduce, teach and explore the real world of computer science with my students. has made the resources so user friendly for both the teacher and student. These lessons will guide them through learning to code, but also moving our thinking into the broader world of computer science. These lessons are ready made and follow a sequence of unplugged and then plugged lessons. Great resources.
I am most excited to use the unplugged lessons to prepare them for the online lessons. I have used the plugged lessons in the past because the students have asked to use them, but I lacked the knowledge the program as a whole. After working through the lessons myself, I have a much better understanding of how can be used as a teaching tool, rather than "just games " they are playing with. This is so exciting.
The only challenge I see facing is that of time.
I am wondering if other teachers might be willing to share how they have sctructured it into their day of learning. Do they work on it every day? How long each day?
My goals for my classroom: I want my students to become more creative thinkers and problem solvers. The last few years has left them lacking in some of these critical areas. There is something that expand the mind when it comes to learning to code, and I’d like to see my students explore these skills. The CS lessons and courses could be to guide my students through this process, and I would definitely use the Unplugged lessons to introduce important concepts and ideas in other modalities prior to working with the code itself. I also think that Paired programming would be an important tool to allow students to learn creative thinking and important communication skills! Our social/emotional learning is quite a bit behind where it normally would be right now, and the kinds of activities and tasks included in could really get students working together and practicing some important skills.
I am most excited about seeing students grapple with the problem solving and share ideas with each other. With the last few years, so much has become digitized, but I am still seeing so many students working individually on the computer. I want to see them trying things out, talking together, paired programming, etc. I think the resources are logically organized and have clear structures and instructional plans, which I appreciate as well.
One of my biggest challenges is time. I’m starting my own exploration and learning late in the school year, and we have state testing coming up in May. I worry that we won’t have the time and space to work on this, but I am hopeful too. This could be a great break from the labors of state testing!
For those who have implemented these lessons, how often are you usually working on it with students? How long is a typical lesson for you? As I try to plan out my time and when to work this into our daily schedule, this information could be very helpful.
I have taught CODE to my second graders, but without good training. My goal is for me to continue learning and teaching code in my classroom. One of my favorite things about code as it allows some students to become experts and leaders and help others.