U1 Day 10: PD Discussion Topic

This will be a useful activity for my students to see how data is interpreted based on the type of data given, i.e. list vs. picture vs. paragraph/story. The video may be too long, so I will have to see about the video or break it up. I saw an interesting video, regarding NYC, during PLTW CS, that I may use instead.

Iā€™m not sure yet. It would be interesting to see how students react to interpreting data, and understand exactly what data is.

My activities for this lesson will help students learn how to evaluate the credibility of the information they find and how to improve on their interpretation of information. The video will be a good starting point for this lesson.

The data representations by David McCandless are fascinating. I want my students to come away with the idea that they can be data detectives as well. This site explains how McCandless creates his data representations, http://www.vox.com/2014/12/26/7446733/data-visualization.

ā€¢ Groups working with Picture Instructions vs Word List.
ā€¢ Once the above activity is completed, I am hoping students will know themselves better as to how they process information presented to them.

Iā€™m looking forward to finding a creative way to display data provided by my students. The biggest take away for students will be that although you can acquire a lot of knowledge from data, you have to be careful that the knowledge that you are obtaining is not skewed. The data has to be observed relatively.

Our district is emphasizing data with the connection to specific content areas. It will be interesting to see how students will align their Reading and Writing strategies to the literature that is emphasized in the ECS curriculum. I am especially interested in seeing how students will responds to Ben Wellingtonā€™s-How we found the worst place to park in NYC along with others that I had in mind as a part of my literacy connection.

I think students will be amazed by how their personal perception and the presentation of data can skew the interpretation. It really relates to mathematics because in math we talk about misleading graphs and how the author of the graph can use the presentation to skew the interpretation in favor of one position over the other. This will definitely help them become better global citizens.

I am looking forward to finding fun ways of teaching my students about multi data representation and having students create projects to demonstrate their understanding and even come up with their own form of data representation.

I think it will be very fascinating to see how the students react to the differences of the information they gather from the three different forms of information. This will be a great discussion and the students will come up with the positives and negatives of each form: list, picture; word cluster. I would also greatly like to learn which they personally prefer.

This will tie in well with existing material I have about statistics ā€¦ data analysis helps us discover patterns in tables of numbers! And having different visual representations of numbers help us see patterns as well; the human brain seems to be optimized for processing visual information much more than numbers. Probably a survival trait!

I am looking forward to the studentā€™s reaction to the variety of data the different groups are looking at and building their conclusion from the data they have.

I am most looking forward to be able to teach the students about how important data collection is for the informed reader. I think that data is really interesting in an aspect that one side of the data tells a specific story but once you compare it to other similar data points, a whole new image is painted. It is very intriguing what data collection and comparison can provide for us.

Where can I get the photo we used in the lesson? It says additional resources, I must be missing something, because I canā€™t find it!! Please help!!

I am really looking forward to the ahh haaa moment when the students realize they didnā€™t have the same data set. I think this lesson will really start to make them think about data in a different way.


All the supplemental resources are in folders on the ECS curriculum site: http://www.exploringcs.org/curriculum. Scroll down and look for Supplemental Materials.


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The video and the Journal are going to work very well together. The students will hopefully realize that in many instances you simply canā€™t look at straight data sets to draw conclusions. Data sets will need to combined to get a more true visualization of a situation.

I want students to realize that anyone can present a data set about any topic. I want students to understand the relevance of the data they view~~does it have a real meaning that could lead to solving a problem?.

Ready to complete the activity with the picture, wordle and word list. Want to see how students react to having information presented in different ways but still having the same questions to answer. Going to be fun!

click on Supplemental Materials (Zip 1.5)